Outfit Choice Affects Self-Confidence

My name is Dovilė Balsaitytė and I am a student from KTU. This questionnaire was made for educational purposes only. It aims to investigate the relationship between clothing choices and self-confidence. Please answer the questions truthfully. Thank You!

Outfit Choice Affects Self-Confidence
ஆன்கெட்டியின் முடிவுகள் பொதுவாக கிடைக்கின்றன

Age: ✪

Gender: ✪

Occupation: ✪

How do you think these clothing items affect your self confidence in public situations? ✪

I feel very confident
I feel good
I feel bad
I feel very unconfident
Bright colors
Skin-tight clothing
Revealing clothing
Tall boots
Sports clothing

How often do you consciously choose your outfit based on how you feel? ✪

How often do you receive compliments on your outfit choice? ✪

How long do you typically spend choosing an outfit? ✪

How confident do you feel when wearing your favorite outfit? ✪

How much do you believe your outfit choice affects your overall self-esteem? ✪

How often do you feel self-conscious about your outfit choice? ✪

How much do you prioritize comfort over style in your outfit choices? ✪

How often do you experiment with different fashion styles? ✪

How much do you believe your clothing choices reflect your personality? ✪