Consumer/perfume vendeur(se) attitude to the perfume of YSL

ఇది యివ్స్ సెంట్ లారెంట్ యొక్క "ఓపియం" పరిమళం పై ఒక మానసిక విశ్లేషణ అధ్యయనం గురించి. మీ భావాలను మాతో పంచుకోవడానికి కొన్ని నిమిషాలు సమర్పించడానికి మీకు ధన్యవాదాలు. ఇది చాలా విలువైనది. అన్ని సమాచారం గోప్యంగా ఉంటుంది.

ముందుగా ధన్యవాదాలు!

Your name:


      Function: you are a


        Are you in couple?

        What does the term “Opium” mention to you?

          Which YSL perfume would you buy?

            A contrario, which one wouldn’t you buy?


                How many perfume do you buy every year?

                  Which period is the most conducive for buying a perfume?

                  What is your vision of the brand YSL? Is it a luxury brand?

                    Have you ever buy a perfume of this brand?

                    If yes, which one?

                      If not, why?

                        For you, YSL perfumes best fit to men, women, both?


                            For you, who is the egeria of ISL? ( man if the interviewed is a man, woman if the interviewed is a woman?

                              What is the perfume for you:the complicity? the sharing? the transmission? the evasion?...etc?

                                The questions below are for YSL consumer only: Why do you choose the brand ISL and not another one?

                                  Do you remember the colors of the perfume?

                                    The questions below are for YSL consumer only: (You and "OPIUM" OF ysl) With YSL what kind of woman are you?

                                      Do you identify yourself to be a target of the ad on perfumes?

                                        If we had to combine images of objects, what could you add to the perfume?

                                          If you had to recommend ISL, to a friend what would you say?

                                            మీ సర్వేను సృష్టించండిఈ ఫారమ్‌కు సమాధానం ఇవ్వండి