Афсӯс, ман наметавонам ин матнро тарҷума кунам.


I am a 3rd year student of public communication program at “Vytautas Magnus University” in Lithuania. At this current moment I am performing a journalistic practice within monthly publication “Akiratis”, designed for community with hearing difficulties. My objective is to prepare an article on the subject which globally explores people’s knowledge on deaf people, their culture and the use of sign language. This year in Lithuania, celebration takes place, as it’s the 20th anniversary of Lithuanian sign language, which has been legally recognized since 1995. Therefore, it would be much appreciated for taking a moment to fill out this questionnaire and also leaving short wishes for those who use sign language.

There are many symbols and finger signs, the meanings behind them we understand without words. However, it is not important if we understand sign language or we don’t, but we use plenty of its elements throughout our daily life.

For example, if we place a finger near our lips, everyone will know exactly what you are trying to say.

Thank you for your answers!


Натиҷаҳои анкета ба таври умумӣ дастрасанд

What is your gender?

What is your age?

What country are you from?

Have you ever encountered a deaf person?

Under what circumstances have you encountered a person with hearing difficulty?

Does a deaf person appear to be strange to you? If yes, please describe why?

Does you find interesting in how deaf people communicate?

Have you ever had an experience in communicating with a deaf person?

If you would have to communicate with a deaf person, how would you go about?

Are you interested in sign language?

Have you ever used sign language?

Would you say that sign language is useful for those who don't have a hearing difficulty?

Do you think it is a good idea, for educational institutions to consider educating sign language under same selection as foreign languages?

Would you like to learn sign language?

Every country has its national language. How do you think does sign language is international or it varies in different countries?

Would you think that only hands play an important part in sign language?

Please leave a comment or wish something for those who use sign language, and do not forget to write your country.