Дунёи QL

Шубҳае нест, ки глобализация калимаи маъруфи даҳсолаи охир аст. Журналистон, сиёсатмадорон, роҳбарони тиҷорат, олимон ва дигарон ин калимаро барои ифода кардани он, ки чизе амиқ рӯй медиҳад, истифода мебаранд, ки ҷаҳон тағйир меёбад, ки як тартиби нави иқтисодӣ, сиёсӣ ва фарҳангии ҷаҳонӣ пайдо мешавад. Гарчанде ки глобализация аспекти зиёде дорад, яке аз онҳо фарҳанги глобалӣ мебошад. Равнақи фарҳанги глобалӣ хосияти махсуси глобализацияи муосир аст. Фарҳанги глобалӣ шомили паҳншавии технологияи расонаҳо мебошад, ки воқеан хобҳои Маршалл Маклуҳанро дар бораи як деҳаи глобалӣ, ки дар он одамон дар саросари ҷаҳон шоҳиди спектаклҳои сиёсӣ, ба монанди Ҷанги Халиҷ, чорабиниҳои варзишии бузург, барномаҳои фароғатӣ ва рекламаҳое, ки бепоён модернизатсияи капиталистиро таблиғ мекунанд, мебинанд (Варк 1994). Ҳамзамон, бештар ва бештар одамон ба шабакаҳои компютерии глобалӣ ворид мешаванд, ки фикрҳо, маълумот ва тасвирҳоро дар саросари ҷаҳон фавран гардиш медиҳанд, ки марзҳои фазо ва вақтро бартараф мекунанд (Гейтс 1995). Фарҳанги глобалӣ шомили таблиғи тарзи зиндагӣ, истеъмол, маҳсулот ва шенасоии одамон мебошад. Ба амал омадани дар даврони ҳозира фаҳмидани матрицаи нерӯҳои глобалӣ ва маҳаллӣ, нерӯҳои доминатсия ва муқовимат, ва шароити тағйироти зудро талаб мекунад. Ҷавонони имрӯза одамони даврае мебошанд, ки бо сатҳҳои гуногуни тағйирот, ки нобаробар рушд мекунанд, хос аст. Ҳисси равшан "дар байни" ё гузариш, талаб мекунад, ки одамон пайвандҳоро бо гузашта ва навигариҳои ҳозира ва оянда фаҳманд. Аз ин рӯ, муҳим аст, ки ҳам давомдорӣ ва ҳам нодориро бо модерн ва пост-модерн дарк кунем, то ки вазъияти кунунӣ маъно пайдо кунад. Бинобар ин, воқеан хеле ҷолиб аст, ки бубинем, ки ҷавонон чӣ гуна таъсир мерасанд ва асосан тавассути чӣ. Кадом аспектҳо фикрҳо, идеологияҳо, андешаҳои ҷавононро ташаккул медиҳанд… Ояндаи кушода барои онҳо умедбахш аст ё нигаронкунанда? Оё гузашта ба чизе, ки хеле дур аст, бо наздикӣ ба ҳама чизҳои дигар боқӣ мемонад?

Синни шумо

Ҷинси шумо:

Миллат, кишваре, ки дар он зиндагӣ мекунед

  1. india and hyderabad
  2. india
  3. indian
  4. india india
  5. indian, india
  6. india
  7. kavxnjxdmsxzhpr
  8. obiskdjoallqbhifo
  9. bosnia and herzegovina
  10. ovucoslmvrldzj

1. Шумо одатан вақти озодатонро чӣ гуна ва куҷо мегузаронед?

Ҷавоби шумо:

  1. no
  2. during my free time, i will mostly be at home or doing some work unrelated to my profession.
  3. making crafts
  4. futonjqluguwcgyqc
  5. xhlvwdbzoax
  6. xkscbsdwclqmvo
  7. gbinechxqzzjorjdi
  8. whuajdfj
  9. yuqpnfihafgswni
  10. cimvjjgzolwrshatse

2. Шумо чанд вақтро дар интернет гаштан мегузаронед?

3. Шумо телевизор тамошо мекунед?

агар ҳа, барномаҳои дӯстдоштаи шумо кадомҳоянд:

  1. no
  2. mharati shows
  3. few series and programs and new movies
  4. news and related programs.
  5. live shows
  6. reality shows
  7. organic shampoo: if baking soda is considered organic, i don't know. baking soda [i don't know if the british term is different] 10% solution apple cider vinegar and warm water. mix a couple of spoons of baking soda with warm water in a container that can go in the shower. pour the mixture through your hair, massage it in. rinse. it won't foam and has no real smell, but you can scent it if you choose. do ahead a bit, but warm is nicer than cold: mix the apple cider vinegar with warm water [i use a squeeze bottle] and squirt liberally over your hair, avoiding your eyes. rinse. hair is shiny if it is given to shine, bouncy if given to bounce, but will only stay clean for a day or two. they say once your hair adjusts to this treatment. i only use it from time to time, but it is interesting to do. frees the soul.
  8. thanks for the great info, dog. i owe you big time.
  9. parallel 60 minutes global
  10. ccccccc

4. Шумо дар 20 сол пас худро чӣ гуна тасаввур мекунед?

Ҷавоби шумо:

  1. no
  2. what is meant by your own answer?
  3. i want to switch to a home-based job.
  4. having a happy family
  5. organic shampoo: if baking soda is considered organic, i don't know. baking soda [i don't know if the british term is different] 10% solution apple cider vinegar and warm water. mix a couple of spoons of baking soda with warm water in a container that can go in the shower. pour the mixture through your hair, massage it in. rinse. it won't foam and has no real smell, but you can scent it if you choose. do ahead a bit, but warm is nicer than cold: mix the apple cider vinegar with warm water [i use a squeeze bottle] and squirt liberally over your hair, avoiding your eyes. rinse. hair is shiny if it is given to shine, bouncy if given to bounce, but will only stay clean for a day or two. they say once your hair adjusts to this treatment. i only use it from time to time, but it is interesting to do. frees the soul.
  6. thanks for the great info, dog. i owe you big time.
  7. cccccccccc
  8. i will be a singer :)

5. Оё шумо китобе, ки дӯст медоред, доред? Кадом аст?

  1. no
  2. messilman
  3. the fault in our stars
  4. no
  5. 2states
  6. the adventures of feluda
  7. organic shampoo: if baking soda is considered organic, i don't know. baking soda [i don't know if the british term is different] 10% solution apple cider vinegar and warm water. mix a couple of spoons of baking soda with warm water in a container that can go in the shower. pour the mixture through your hair, massage it in. rinse. it won't foam and has no real smell, but you can scent it if you choose. do ahead a bit, but warm is nicer than cold: mix the apple cider vinegar with warm water [i use a squeeze bottle] and squirt liberally over your hair, avoiding your eyes. rinse. hair is shiny if it is given to shine, bouncy if given to bounce, but will only stay clean for a day or two. they say once your hair adjusts to this treatment. i only use it from time to time, but it is interesting to do. frees the soul.
  8. thanks for the great info, dog. i owe you big time.
  9. kanconijer
  10. cccccccccc

6. Чӣ шуморо хушбахт мекунад?

7. Як ё ду калимаи, ки бо Coca-cola алоқаманд аст, нависед

  1. no
  2. i like coca-cola in summer.
  3. black and vijay in ad
  4. don't know
  5. soft drink
  6. harmful for health
  7. gladdkgkkgravenb
  8. tlgphntr
  9. dnimcsseuzowurs
  10. gvmwzrwfudccom

Як ё ду калимаи, ки бо Ислом алоқаманд аст, нависед

  1. no
  2. no cast i am interesting
  3. religious and faith
  4. prayer
  5. religion
  6. religion
  7. diipigptngof
  8. lorzcjqstfnyycl
  9. xzglujnarrxbtlts
  10. udvupseowcxugf

Як ё ду калимаи, ки бо Мактаб алоқаманд аст, нависед

  1. no
  2. i like my school very much.
  3. fun and lovable
  4. studies
  5. childhood friends
  6. teaching and learning
  7. yjxcbbbluiak
  8. wwsyhmkjwu
  9. emlrmsthtfywezldtbd
  10. lmvfnrizgmdwgbrripe

Як ё ду калимаи, ки бо Компютер алоқаманд аст, нависед

  1. no
  2. when you're alone, your computer is your best friend.
  3. knowledge and basic necessity
  4. mouse windows.
  5. internet, emails
  6. saves time
  7. alvrdfdvulieivdd
  8. xhalgxcnz
  9. szqldowjjlvx
  10. qeukhpsemc

Як ё ду калимаи, ки бо Озодӣ алоқаманд аст, нависед

  1. no
  2. all people should have the freedom to travel or live as they wish.
  3. necessity and happiness
  4. gift
  5. very important
  6. independence
  7. sytmefbkow
  8. dsvzkzjsklqbhwa
  9. jdaaefarqdel
  10. urvdjfuhyqaccbjuhy

Як ё ду калимаи, ки бо Рок-стор алоқаманд аст, нависед

  1. no
  2. i like rock star music very much.
  3. wow and admirable
  4. one raises others' energy levels.
  5. personality
  6. ybpybrdqsnywl
  7. dwkyfhfofwdmc
  8. fkymwdbcjyqbv
  9. mtjkfhgsxxf
  10. vwvoqhztze

Як ё ду калимаи, ки бо Сиёсат алоқаманд аст, нависед

  1. no
  2. there is a lot of corruption in the field of politics.
  3. need for honesty and principles
  4. actors
  5. government
  6. vgvjyjgzgny
  7. odkopkqhujahm
  8. mwczhpuiatabzhnmq
  9. kjvwlerjmgoe
  10. mfkbketgmyulx

Як ё ду калимаи, ки бо Меҳр алоқаманд аст, нависед

  1. no
  2. love is the most important part of life.
  3. life and joy and pain
  4. belief, trust, and romance
  5. bonding
  6. ylucknjd
  7. sadejpmwvjndxff
  8. fnscnqfjy
  9. xfutvndiucxpkao
  10. wbclrytigygxrp

Як ё ду калимаи, ки бо Хонавода алоқаманд аст, нависед

  1. no
  2. all the family loves to get together.
  3. caring and affection
  4. wonderful gift
  5. relations
  6. qyeznpqkvxkb
  7. gucaplxbhujykl
  8. pserechfvzhlk
  9. vxzotaisxolaifszf
  10. xrpwiplwdzirtnnxf

Як ё ду калимаи, ки бо Полис алоқаманд аст, нависед

  1. no
  2. the real hero
  3. safety and security
  4. our security
  5. security
  6. vzjuzqxhvqzkzs
  7. dgeiaysihtzzmnh
  8. the text "mqtqgouwezx" does not appear to be a word or phrase in any recognizable language. it may be a code, a username, or a random string of characters. please provide more context or clarify if you need assistance with something else.
  9. wvrtdoae
  10. chsgptjxgbbmaubqce

Ҷавоби шумо:

  1. no
  2. i am happy when my family spends time together.
  3. lovable surprises
  4. i believe that cultural values, worldviews, and ways of defining meaning are at the heart of the human journey, so an open future is where everyone helps everyone.
  5. organic shampoo: if baking soda is considered organic, i don't know. baking soda [i don't know if the british term is different] 10% solution apple cider vinegar and warm water. mix a couple of spoons of baking soda with warm water in a container that can go in the shower. pour the mixture through your hair, massage it in. rinse. it won't foam and has no real smell, but you can scent it if you choose. do ahead a bit, but warm is nicer than cold: mix the apple cider vinegar with warm water [i use a squeeze bottle] and squirt liberally over your hair, avoiding your eyes. rinse. hair is shiny if it is given to shine, bouncy if given to bounce, but will only stay clean for a day or two. they say once your hair adjusts to this treatment. i only use it from time to time, but it is interesting to do. frees the soul.
  6. thanks for the great info, dog. i owe you big time.
  7. cccccc
  8. ... :)p
  9. one boy

Ман барои муҳити зисте, ки дар он ҳастам, масъул ҳастам

Ман фикр намекунам, ки нажодпарастӣ барои ман марбут аст.

Агар дӯстон ман маводи мухаддир истифода баранд, ман ба калонсолони масъул хабар медиҳам.

Ман одамонеро дорам, ки агар ман мушкилот дошта бошам, ба онҳо муроҷиат кунам

Ман дар як кишваре, ки бехатар аст, зиндагӣ мекунам.

9. Шумо барои таваллудатон кадом ҳадяро мехоҳед?

  1. jewelry
  2. the rose plant.
  3. anything .. since a gift represents a person's love
  4. gold
  5. an interesting book
  6. organic shampoo: if baking soda is considered organic, i don't know. baking soda [i don't know if the british term is different] 10% solution apple cider vinegar and warm water. mix a couple of spoons of baking soda with warm water in a container that can go in the shower. pour the mixture through your hair, massage it in. rinse. it won't foam and has no real smell, but you can scent it if you choose. do ahead a bit, but warm is nicer than cold: mix the apple cider vinegar with warm water [i use a squeeze bottle] and squirt liberally over your hair, avoiding your eyes. rinse. hair is shiny if it is given to shine, bouncy if given to bounce, but will only stay clean for a day or two. they say once your hair adjusts to this treatment. i only use it from time to time, but it is interesting to do. frees the soul.
  7. thanks for the great info, dog. i owe you big time.
  8. ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ccccccc
  9. big smiles
  10. nice journey
Анкетаи худро созедБа ин форм ҷавоб диҳед