Карл Никлас Сарфаҳмии Сарфаҳм

Оё шумо фикр мекунед, ки ин тасвирҳо бо категорияҳои кастинг, ки ман ба он равона ҳастам, мувофиқат мекунанд ва чаро?

  1. some of them but most of them no because you look more like a villain
  2. all of your desired roles and more. you are limiting yourself through your preconceived ideas about yourself. you have grown. believe it.
  3. don't know
  4. yes, i think you would make a good intellectual villain.
  5. no
  6. yes
  7. not for quirky character
  8. overall, i feel like the ones with a bit more quirkiness are more you and match your personality. the beardy shots are rather heroic and mighty, but i reckon you'd have to be a bit taller for those roles.
  9. some of them do, in some you come across as slightly too attractive and warm to be eccentric or quirky or uptight enough. headshot 6 makes you look like a serial killer.
  10. same as above. for me, it's all about the beard.
  11. yes, but i think you look better with a beard; it makes you look your age.
  12. 1, 3, 5, and 6 are better if you need something specific for a casting. 5 is good for more pensive, serious roles, and 1 is good for a friendly, quirky guy. 6 also does that, but i find 1 to be a stronger photo. 3 makes you look a bit shady (in a good way, like a bond villain, not a pedophile).
  13. i think each one matches a different casting. i like 3 for 'hard man' /villain casting. 4 is my favourite as i think it looks most like you.
  14. number one, yes. it's truthful and still has a sense of the brackets you're aiming for.
  15. yes, because there is enough variation.
  16. yes, definitely. headset 2 is a great neutral one. i love the dark side in number 3! and number 5 is more intellectual/quirky.
  17. all the pictures definitely convey intelligence and intensity. you also seem like a 'nice' person, as shallow a statement as that is. i'm not sure if quirkiness comes through so much, although that's perhaps something that's more likely to be perceived during casting rather than in a photo (i.e. i wouldn't describe your face as quirky; you are far too attractive for that).
  18. beardy suits your intellectual powerful stage type. beardless is more quirky and cute.
  19. i don't think that any capture 'quirky' in all honesty, but apart from pulling a funny face, it is really difficult to capture, so don't think you need to worry about that!
  20. i don't know.
  21. yes.
  22. yes, i think they do.
  23. yes commercial guy - 6 boyfriend, male nurse, possibly a dead-eyed meanie - 5 theatre, classic, general - 4 or 2 i think 3 is a bit over-staged. looks like a shot from a movie promo. seems a bit american to me, not sure about it.
  24. i think all except the last one look intellectual.