Лукс онлайн

Лукс онлайн

Шумо чӣ ҷинс доред?

Шумо чӣ миллат доред?

  1. india
  2. indian
  3. indian
  4. indian
  5. indian
  6. indian
  7. indian
  8. indian
  9. indian
  10. ucczuaslm

Шумо чандсолаед?

Лукс дар назарияи шумо чӣ маъно дорад?

  1. brand, top class
  2. something that simply makes me feel good.
  3. to me, luxury is something that is an indulgence rather than a necessity.
  4. having great comfort and ease
  5. living without any hassles with all comforts
  6. a
  7. great level of comfort
  8. a state of great comfort or elegance, especially when involving great expense.
  9. self-esteem
  10. just by utilizing this type of write-up, i suppose this blog expects much more awareness. i will likely return to learn more; i appreciate this important information.

Оё шумо ба як бренди лукс содиқ ҳастед? Кадом аст? Чаро?

  1. not yet engaged with any luxury brand
  2. louis vuitton, gucci because of their product quality.
  3. no, not exactly. because i usually prefer to try different brands.
  4. reliance; it's economical and i like its products.
  5. lakme
  6. a
  7. yes, i am loyal to dior, tommy hilfiger, tissot, baba, and ray-ban brands. i love the quality, durability, and design of these products.
  8. yes. gucci. the product is great.
  9. no
  10. just by utilizing this type of write-up, i suppose this blog expects much more awareness. i will likely return to learn more; i appreciate this important information.

Чаро шумо маҳсулоти лукс мехаред? Мотивасияи шумо барои харидани маҳсулоти лукс чист?

  1. not yet engaged with any luxury brand
  2. quality and price satisfaction
  3. i usually don't buy luxury goods because i don't prefer spending too much beyond my needs.
  4. it gives me a pleasant feeling, and i am convinced about the safety of the product.
  5. luxury products are safe to use. i mean the quality is very high and my status will be elevated.
  6. s
  7. to make myself feel good and comfortable. i would love to spend money to be comfortable and look fashionable.
  8. i rarely buy luxury products, only when i like something.
  9. high quality
  10. just by utilizing this type of write-up, i suppose this blog expects much more attention. i will likely return to learn more; i appreciate this important information.

Оё шумо ҳеҷ гоҳ ба мағозаи онлайнӣ бренди лукс ташриф овардаед?

  1. not yet engaged with any luxury brand
  2. no
  3. yes, i did.
  4. no
  5. yes
  6. s
  7. yes, many times.
  8. yes
  9. few times
  10. just by utilizing this type of write-up, i suppose this blog expects much more awareness. i will likely return to learn more; i appreciate this important information.

Шумо дар бораи брендҳои лукс дар интернет чӣ фикр доред?

  1. not yet engaged with any luxury brand
  2. i have no idea; i love to buy luxury brands only from the store.
  3. definitely, this attracts the upper-class society more than the middle class, who loves to live their life lavishly.
  4. i do not visit them.
  5. they offer very good service.
  6. sa
  7. they advertise less and provide more.
  8. they are equally good.
  9. affordable
  10. just by utilizing this type of write-up, i suppose this blog expects much more awareness. i will likely return to learn more; i appreciate this important information.

Оё шумо ҳеҷ гоҳ ба саҳифаҳои Facebook, Twitter ё MySpace бренди лукс рафтаед?

  1. sometimes
  2. no
  3. yes, i do.
  4. yes
  5. yes
  6. sa
  7. yes, a lot.
  8. no
  9. no
  10. just by utilizing this type of write-up, i suppose this blog expects much more awareness. i will likely return to learn more; i appreciate this important information.

Оё шумо дар форумҳо, блогҳои бренди лукс иштирок мекунед? Оё шумо маълумотро дар Twitter, Facebook ё MySpace пайравӣ мекунед? Шумо дар бораи шабакаҳои иҷтимоии брендҳои лукс чӣ фикр доред?

  1. not yet engaged with any luxury brand
  2. no
  3. i don't participate in any luxury brand's forums or blogs. but i do follow their information on social networking sites. the social networks of luxury brands are pretty tempting.
  4. i just go there to get information about its new product and reviews but do not participate in any blog.
  5. yes
  6. as
  7. no
  8. no
  9. never visited
  10. just by utilizing this type of write-up, i suppose this blog expects much more awareness. i will likely return to learn more; i appreciate this important information.

Шумо кадомро афзал медонед - харид дар интернет ё рафтан ба мағоза? Чаро?

  1. both
  2. going to a store
  3. i prefer both online shopping and going to the store. my preference depends on the product i'm buying.
  4. going to the store because there i can physically see the product.
  5. going to the store. i'll be satisfied by ensuring all quality is fine.
  6. s
  7. going to a store because it helps to get a clear image and functionality of the device or costumes.
  8. i prefer both.
  9. online shopping
  10. just by utilizing this type of write-up, i suppose this blog expects much more awareness. i will likely return to learn more; i appreciate this important information.

Ман мехоҳам, ки шумо ҳамаи ин вебсайтҳои луксро санҷед: Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Chanel, Dior, Gucci. Шумо барои ҳар яке аз онҳо майдонҳои алоҳида доред. Оё шумо метавонед, лутфан, дар поён нависед, ки кадомаш беҳтарин ва кадомаш бадтарин вебсайт дорад? Оё шумо метавонед, лутфан, рангҳо, овозҳо, эҳсосоти ба вуҷуд омада, навигация, тарҳ ва ғайраро муҳокима кунед?

  1. louis vuitton - is good enough amongst others in my opinion
  2. i loved the louis vuitton website because it had some awesome videos with exotic locations and also offered nice products.
  3. can't answer
  4. s
  5. yes, i would try.
  6. none
  7. just by utilizing this type of write-up, i suppose this blog expects much more awareness. i will likely return to learn more; i appreciate this important information.
  8. cucci has the best.
  9. i don't like cartier the most because of the dark colors and soundtrack. chanel's classic black and white color scheme is very appealing. dior's page design is too simple and lacks luxury. i like gucci's calm earth tones and clarity; it's easy to find everything.
  10. too difficult a question that takes way too much time to answer for a working person... next time, princess, please think of an easier question :) but for you, i will look at those pages :)


  1. easy navigation, good color combination
  2. this website best describes the word "extravagant". products with some nice videos and a good background score.
  3. not used
  4. s
  5. i love this brand. uniquely designed and elegant pieces.
  6. good
  7. just by utilizing this type of write-up, i suppose this blog expects much more awareness. i will likely return to learn more; i appreciate this important information.
  8. most colorful
  9. did not like the navigation or the style of the site.
  10. the design is ugly, i didn't like the colors.


  1. the design of the website is okay, but the text on the navigation has a very small font size, and the navigation is not very smooth for me.
  2. the website is adorned with very pretty jewelry and accessories. and i felt a sense of serenity while browsing through it.
  3. not used
  4. s
  5. it is a jewelry and watch design and manufacturing company with a unique and modern sense of design.
  6. good
  7. just by utilizing this type of write-up, i suppose this blog expects much more awareness. i will likely return to learn more; i appreciate this important information.
  8. i liked the music and style of the site.
  9. dark colors, gloomy soundtrack
  10. average web page in terms of design. quite nice colors and well organized.


  1. the design is pretty cool, but the navigation is not up to the mark.
  2. it is a very well-organized website with all the products categorized under different headings. easy to navigate through.
  3. not used
  4. s
  5. i love its fragrance and beauty products. very fashionable and fine art.
  6. good
  7. just by utilizing this type of write-up, i suppose this blog expects much more awareness. i will likely return to learn more; i appreciate this important information.
  8. i like the classic colors.
  9. the black and white classic was very liked.
  10. absolutely love this page: the color (black and white), the design. it is very stylish and well organized, so it is easy to find the needed info.


  1. very nice and cool design, and navigation is very easy, and i love it.
  2. i found this website designed very intricately with delicate products.
  3. not used
  4. s
  5. i personally love this brand. i use a watch from this brand and it is quite good and durable.
  6. very good
  7. just by utilizing this type of write-up, i suppose this blog expects much more attention. i will likely return to learn more; i appreciate this important information.
  8. i like that the site has a very luxurious feel to it.
  9. lacking luxury, overly simple style.
  10. clear, "clean" web page, i like the colors which are pastel and calm.


  1. good in terms of design and navigation.
  2. i found the website really bold and attractive.
  3. not used
  4. s
  5. it is a very well-known brand worldwide for its dress design and elegant collection of different specialized material designs.
  6. very good
  7. just by utilizing this type of write-up, i suppose this blog expects much more awareness. i will likely return to learn more; i appreciate this important information.
  8. most simple
  9. liked the logos all over the site and the typical cucci colors
  10. i like calm colors.
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