Мавқеи фурӯшандаи/парфюмери истеъмолкунандагон нисбат ба парфюмерии YSL

Ин дар бораи таҳқиқоти психоанализи парфюмерии "OPIUM" аз Yves Saint Laurent аз Euromed Management мебошад. Мо ба шумо ташаккур мегӯем, ки чанд дақиқа вақт ҷудо мекунед, то ҳиссиёти худро бо мо мубодила кунед. Ин хеле арзишманд хоҳад буд. Ҳамаи маълумот конфиденсиалӣ хоҳад буд.

Пешакӣ ташаккур!

Номи шумо:

  1. swastika
  2. happiness
  3. rupashree dey
  4. synwremudk
  5. yyuprnxbctjlvc


  1. 35
  2. 27
  3. 26
  4. uqfqkexpntqczcqz
  5. ooaiqrbyqucdlicxy

Функсия: шумо


  1. no
  2. A
  3. ysl
  4. 抱歉,我无法翻译该内容。
  5. uffeasbohhlumzrem

Оё шумо дар ҷуфт ҳастед?

Термин "Opium" барои шумо чӣ маъно дорад?

  1. no
  2. A
  3. addictive
  4. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  5. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a price i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Кадом парфюмерии YSL-ро шумо мехаридед?

  1. no
  2. A
  3. my paris
  4. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  5. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Баръакс, кадомро намехаридед?

  1. no
  2. she
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)


  1. no
  2. not my type
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Шумо ҳар сол чанд парфюмерӣ мехаред?

  1. 5
  2. 3-4
  3. ierqteonlvvzljgttu
  4. pxszhxgepwljmmjdsp

Кадом давра барои харидани парфюмерӣ беҳтарин аст?

Вижагии шумо дар бораи бренди YSL чист? Оё ин бренди люкс аст?

  1. no
  2. yes. ysl fragrances are liquid emotion – the combination of the sophistication of french perfumery with daring excess.
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Оё шумо ҳеҷ гоҳ парфюмерии ин брендро харидаед?

Агар ҳа, кадом?

  1. my paris
  2. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  3. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in t-minus 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Агар не, чаро?

  1. no
  2. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  3. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Барои шумо, парфюмери YSL беҳтарин барои мардон, занон, ё ҳарду?

  1. no
  2. yes.
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)


  1. no
  2. they offer a variety of perfumes that suit both men and women.
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Барои шумо, кӣ эгериа (манзил) ISL аст? (мардеро, агар мусоҳиб мардеро, занеро, агар мусоҳиб зан бошад)?

  1. no
  2. both men and women
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Парфюмерӣ барои шумо чист: ҳамкории? мубодила? интиқол? фирор?... ва ғайра?

  1. no
  2. liquid emotions
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Саволҳои зерин танҳо барои истеъмолкунандагони YSL мебошанд: Чаро шумо бренди ISL-ро интихоб мекунед, на бренди дигар?

  1. no
  2. best fragrances
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a price i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Оё шумо рангҳои парфюмериро ба ёд меоред?

  1. yellow
  2. pink, yellow
  3. alvwnwntlf
  4. nbgfxikzqh

Саволҳои зерин танҳо барои истеъмолкунандагони YSL мебошанд: (Шумо ва "OPIUM" YSL) Бо YSL шумо кадом навъи зан ҳастед?

  1. no
  2. elegant
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Оё шумо худро ҳамчун ҳадафи рекламаи парфюмерӣ шенасоии мекунед?

  1. no
  2. might be
  3. cixxsgjlttlcrxg
  4. hyxpuvuqkmuezi

Агар мо маҷмӯи тасвирҳои объектҳоро муттаҳид кунем, шумо чӣ чизе ба парфюмерӣ илова мекунед?

  1. no
  2. hat
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Агар шумо бояд ISL-ро ба дӯсти худ тавсия диҳед, чӣ мегӯед?

  1. no
  2. best fragrances for a perfume with bold excess.
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a price i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)
Анкетаи худро созедБа ин форм ҷавоб диҳед