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Назарҳои шахсӣ дар бораи худкушӣ
Натиҷаҳои анкета ба таври умумӣ дастрасанд
Шумо худкуширо чӣ гуна мебинед? (Ҳамаи вариантҳоро интихоб кунед)
Ин худхоҳӣ аст
Ин ҷавонмардӣ/заифӣ аст
Ин роҳи осон аст
Ин хираднамоӣ нест
Ин фурор аст
Ин даъват барои кӯмак аст
Ин барои ягон сабаб қабулшаванда нест
Ин комилан қабулшаванда аст/ одамон ҳуқуқ доранд, ки зиндагӣ ё маргро интихоб кунанд
Ин танҳо дар баъзе шароитҳо қабулшаванда аст
Ин фаҳмишпазир аст
It's the outcome of a human being who is totally and completely exhausted and literally cannot handle one more second of trying anymore, literally does not have an ounce of true happiness left in their body. they're not responsible for their death, no matter if they were technically what caused it; society killed them long before they killed themselves.
"suicide is perfectly acceptable" is not the same as "right to choose." the latter makes it sound like euthanasia, but you can't view someone with severe depression as simply making a choice like everyone else. everyone has a right to choose when they're not ill. anyway, the wording is throwing me off. i would select "people have the right..." if it weren't for what precedes that option and the fact that it doesn't clarify "all people, regardless of mental health" or something similar.
People commit suicide for different reasons; it varies from person to person.
I do think it's a terrible thing to do, but sometimes that's the only way out.
People feel so bad that they think not experiencing it is better.
It's a last resort when all you feel is hopeless.
It's a permanent way to end the pain.
People should not have to resort to such measures; it's not their fault they feel that way.
Everyone has a reason to do it.
It's freedom.
Оё шумо ҳеҷ гоҳ ба касе гуфтаед, ки худро кушад?
Ҳа, вале танҳо чанд маротиба
Ҳа, вале танҳо шӯхӣ
Ҳа, зеро онҳо сазовори марганд
Ман намедонам
Оё шумо ҳеҷ гоҳ ба худкушӣ фикр кардаед?
Ҷавобҳои ин савол ба таври оммавӣ намоиш дода намешаванд
Оё шумо касеро медонед, ки ҳоло худкушӣ мекунад?
Ман намедонам
Оё шумо касеро медонед, ки кӯшиш кардааст ё худкушӣ кардааст
Ман намедонам
Ҷавоб фиристед