Нанотехнология ва наномедицин

Мақсади пурсишномаи ман фаҳмидани муносибати одамон ба нанотехнология аст?

Ҷинси шумо?

Синни шумо чанд аст?

Омӯзиш мебинед?

Шуморо кор мекунед?

1. Оё шумо дар бораи нанотехнология чизе шунидаед?

2. Агар шумо дар бораи нанотехнология чизе шунидаед, нависед, ки чӣ?

  1. a study about atoms and molecules
  2. smaller in size
  3. related to atoms and molecules
  4. it is a latest invention that helps to increase productivity.
  5. the best example of nanotechnology is mobile phones. in mobile phones, millions of compounds are stored in a small chip.
  6. nanomites that can be transferred to anything of your design.
  7. it is a latest development in science. if developed, it can bring wonders through new discoveries.
  8. nanotechnology is the latest advancement in science. it can help reduce the cost of many materials.
  9. going into minute details of any matter
  10. is popular as the ability to manipulate atoms.

3. Шумо дар бораи кадом намуди нанотехнология шунидаед?

4. Шумо чӣ гуна дар бораи нанотехнология шунидаед?

5. Оё шумо фикр мекунед, ки нанотехнология дар тиб муфид аст?

6. Оё шумо эҳтимолан бо кӯмаки нанотехнология табобат хоҳед кард?

7. Шумо дар бораи наномедицин чӣ фикр мекунед, ё он метавонад тиби ҳозираро иваз кунад?

8. Фикри худро дар бораи наномедицин нависед.

  1. medical application of nanotechnology
  2. will be good in surgeries.
  3. that can change the medical field tremendously
  4. A
  5. i don't have that many details to write much about that.
  6. nanotechnology offers a vision for a smart drug approach to improve surgical procedures.
  7. these are very effective and advanced.
  8. i don't know much about nanomedicine. i just heard about it. that's all.
  9. research is ongoing and new inventions are happening. in our country, it is in the preliminary stages.
  10. useful

9. Оё шумо бо истифодаи нанотехнология дар тиб розӣ ҳастед?

10. Оё шумо дар ҳаёти худ бо нанотехнологияҳо рӯ ба рӯ мешавед?

11. Агар шумо дар ҳаёти худ бо нанотехнологияҳо рӯ ба рӯ шавед, нависед, ки куҷо?

  1. healthcare sector
  2. yes, appendix operation.
  3. mobile and laptop chips
  4. cannot say
  5. no
  6. nanotechnologies are in our computers.
  7. electronic devices
  8. in daily life to healthcare
  9. perhaps in more conventional medicine or chemistry, but in everyday life, i think not...
  10. everywhere

12. Оё шумо ба нанотехнологияҳо шавқ доред?

13. Агар ҳа ё не, чаро?

  1. advanced one
  2. it is the future.
  3. it may improve the economy.
  4. A
  5. since it is something new, i wish to study it.
  6. it is an interesting field because billions of compounds work together on a small chip.
  7. it provides the technology with a new way to create something unique and expansive.
  8. curiosity
  9. it can bring advancements in medicine and the medical field, i hope.
  10. very useful
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