Натиҷаҳои тадқиқот дар бораи таъсири Интернет

Оё шумо бо компютер шинос ҳастед? Оё фикр мекунед, ки дар ҷомеаи имрӯза истифодаи Интернет муҳим аст?

  1. f u
  2. yes
  3. yes, all offices are dull without internet.
  4. yes, it is important to be able to use the internet in today's society.
  5. yes, i think it is important as we can get a lot of information through the internet and also stay in contact with our friends and relatives through social networking sites.
  6. yes. definitely, because anything that is unknown can be known with the help of the internet within minutes.
  7. yes. it is. the internet enables people to know many things within four walls.
  8. no i am not computer literate. and i feel it is important.
  9. yes, one should know how to use the internet in today's society.
  10. yes, i am. i think it is beneficial if one has basic computer knowledge.
  11. yes, i think it's more important.
  12. yes, one should know how to use the internet in today's world.
  13. yes, i am. yes, it is important.
  14. no, it's not necessary; we need computer education, but we should have some idea.
  15. yes. of course.
  16. yes. one should know the basic things about computers and their uses. without knowing computers, learning the internet will be useless.
  17. good reference
  18. yes. it is very important.
  19. yes
  20. www
  21. it's not helpful.
  22. noo
  23. yes, no i don't think so.
  24. yes
  25. yes, absolutely.
  26. yes, it's important.
  27. yes, it is important.
  28. y
  29. yes, i am. and yes, i think it is essential in most jobs these days. which i believe is why they teach ict in schools from a young age.
  30. yes, the internet is a huge part of everyone's everyday life. entire industries have changed to keep up with the changing technology. people want to be able to access things with a touch of a button, which shows why the internet is a popular commodity. so yes, it is important for people to be able to use the internet.
  31. yes, i am computer literate, and i think in this society it is very important to be able to use computers.
  32. yes
  33. yes, i am computer literate. i do think it is important to use the internet because it helps you find things you need to find.
  34. yes, i am. the internet is a very useful tool for information and communication.