Оё шумо мусиқӣ, филмҳо ва ғайраро аз интернет зеркашӣ мекунед? Оё шумо усулҳои ғайриқонуниро ё қонуниро истифода мебаред? Чаро - оё шумо дар бораи таъсири он ба иқтисод ва ғайра нигарон ҳастед?
f u
yes. illegal
i use only legal methods because, as the name suggests, illegal downloading is a criminal act, and it negatively affects the economy as it only creates black money.
yes, i do download it, but legally; it helps in developing the economy as a lot of paperwork is reduced and transactions can be processed faster.
yes, i do download, but legally because the organizations responsible for making a film or a video should receive fair compensation for their work, which is directly connected to our economy.
yes. i use illegal methods. the economy of the film industry decreases as people stop coming to theaters or buying a legitimate copy.
yes legally.
no. illegal song downloading negatively impacts the music industry.
i do download a lot of times and only through legal methods. copyright fraud should be avoided, and piracy must be stopped.
yes, and legal methods, and i am concerned.
no, i don't usually download.
yes, i download it legally. it creates more excitement and buzz that ultimately leads to business profits.
i sometimes download everything for illegal use.
no, i never download music.
no. i am not interested in doing illegal things.
yes. legal methods.
yes. no.
more helpful
not much.
yes..mostly illegal
yes through legal methods
yes, through legal methods.
i use apps on my smart tv to watch movies such as lovefilm and nowtv.
i download all of my music legally, but i rarely do this. i am a big user of spotify.
no, i don't download music, etc., from the internet, and i would never use illegal methods; i just don't think it's right to download illegally.
i download music illegally because the economy will lose money if people download music.
no. i prefer my music on a cd and films on the tv!