Овози бозӣ

Ин таҳқиқи кӯтоҳ барои беҳтар фаҳмидани одатҳои бозии одамоне, ки мунтазам ба ин фаъолият машғуланд, таҳия шудааст. Ҳар касе, ки бо мавзӯъ шинос ва ба он таваҷҷӯҳ дорад, метавонад дар ин таҳқиқот иштирок кунад, анонимияти шумо таъмин аст. Пешакӣ барои вақти шумо ташаккур.

Овози бозӣ

Синну солатон чанд аст?

  1. 19
  2. 30
  3. 58
  4. 18
  5. 20
  6. 21
  7. 23
  8. 19
  9. 25



Шумо чанд маротиба видеои бозӣ мекунед?

Сессияи ягонаи бозии шумо дар миёна чанд вақт мегирад?

Шумо кадом намуди бозиро бозӣ карданро афзал медонед?

Шумо одатан бозиро чӣ гуна ба даст меоред?

Шумо дар миёна чанд пул барои видеои бозӣ дар моҳ сарф мекунед?

Шумо дар кадом платформа бозӣ мекунед?

Шумо дар бораи саноати бозии имрӯза чӣ ҳис мекунед? Чаро?

  1. no idea
  2. there are good players and bad players. some companies are too focused on their profit motives to truly pay attention to what fans want, but fans continue to play those big titles regardless. one or two seem to manage to take care of their player base and themselves at the same time.
  3. i feel good about them. this is because they bring joy to my face and make me very happy.
  4. it is ruining my life and i can't do anything about it.
  5. i don't know much and i don't have any problems with it.
  6. there are many new games that i like coming out, so i am satisfied.
  7. it's good, there are many options.
  8. there is no problem when the boat is floating on the water. it becomes an issue when the water starts getting into the boat.


  1. i think it is fine.
  2. rather short and uninformative, but it is there.
  3. simple and casual, yet it covers what is necessary more or less.
  4. a bit too short and perhaps too informal, although it does sound rather casual and might work.
  5. short and simple, just like the poll itself.
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