Перцепсияҳо дар бораи президенти Туркия Режеп Тайип Эрдоган пеш аз интихоботи 2023

Чӣ гуна усули роҳбарии Эрдоган ба маъруфияти ӯ дар Туркия таъсир расонидааст?

  1. erdogan's leadership style has faced growing criticism from various segments of turkish society, leading to a polarization of public opinion. critics argue that he has become increasingly authoritarian, curbing media freedom, suppressing dissent, and consolidating power within the presidency. concerns have been raised about the erosion of democratic institutions and human rights under his leadership.
  2. under his leadership style, over time people noticed his true nature and he lost his popularity.
  3. recep tayyip erdogan, the current president of turkey, has a leadership style that has been controversial and polarizing within turkey. his style is characterized by a mix of authoritarianism, populism, and islamic conservatism.
  4. recep tayyip erdogan's leadership style has had a complex and evolving relationship with his popularity in turkey. when erdogan first came to power as the prime minister in 2003, he was widely seen as a fresh and charismatic leader who promised to bring stability and prosperity to turkey. his early years in power were marked by a series of bold economic and political reforms that helped to modernize the country and raise living standards for many turks. however, over time, erdogan's leadership style has become increasingly authoritarian, with a greater emphasis on centralizing power and cracking down on dissent. he has been accused of curtailing freedom of speech and press, suppressing political opposition, and undermining the independence of the judiciary. these moves have drawn criticism both domestically and internationally.
  5. domestically, erdogan's leadership style has contributed to a shift away from turkey's secular, kemalist traditions, and toward a more conservative, islamist identity. he has emphasized the importance of traditional family values and islamic values in public life and has taken a strong stance against dissent and opposition. this has resulted in a crackdown on media and civil society organizations and an erosion of democratic institutions in turkey.
  6. in terms of erdogan's popularity in turkey, his leadership style has been both a source of strength and a liability. he has a sizable following among conservative and nationalist voters, who value his attempts to promote islam and turkish culture, as well as his emphasis on national security. his dictatorial inclinations and contentious policies, such as his handling of the kurdish issue and his alliance with russia and iran, have alienated many other turks, particularly those in cities and among the country's minority communities.
  7. i have no idea what his leadership style is/was and how popular he is/was. ******** there is no question added for me to give you feedback on your questionnaire and you did not submit the responses on moodle! in terms of the questionnaire, there are some issues. firstly, the age range has overlapping values. if a person is 22, should they choose 18-22 or 22-25? it looks like you copied my example from the board of what not to do... :) later, in the question about gender, you have some grammar issues (e.g. a person cannot be plural 'women', a singular 'woman' should be used instead). other questions are based on trusting that the person actually knows about the recent political events and situations in turkey.
  8. i don’t know.
  9. i thought about less democracy.
  10. in turkey, most people like their country. erdogan knows that well and he has done a lot of things that turkish nationalists liked. in addition, the unsuccessful opposition has made erdogan stronger.
  11. nationalism and religious standards raised to the top.
  12. i'm not from turkey, but from my perspective, erdogan is responsible for inflating the turkish economy and placing great importance on religious belief.
  13. erdogan's leadership style has had a significant impact on turkey's domestic and foreign policies, contributing to a shift in the country's identity and an assertive, independent approach to its relations with other countries. however, it has also resulted in increased authoritarianism and a deterioration in turkey's relationships with traditional allies, with potential consequences for turkey's standing in the international community.
  14. he is an expert in rhetorical politics, allowing his followers to always believe what he says.
  15. it brought it down.
  16. it's hard to say, really; erdogan's leadership style has produced a major divide among the turkish people, with supporters seeing him as a strong and decisive leader and opponents viewing him as an increasingly authoritarian danger to turkey's democracy.
  17. i don't know.
  18. erdogan's leadership style has greatly influenced his popularity in turkey. on the one hand, many of his fans regard him as a strong and determined leader who has delivered the country stability and economic progress. they perceive him as a compelling character who can connect with the masses and reflects the working class's concerns. erdogan's detractors, on the other hand, claim that his leadership style has become increasingly authoritarian and that he has damaged turkey's democratic institutions. his attack on the media, opposition parties, and civil society, they argue, demonstrates his intolerance for dissent and criticism.