Тадқиқоти имкониятҳо барои беҳтар кардани гурӯҳи маҳсулоти Outlet дар lampemesteren.dk

9. Вақте ки шумо қаблан маҳсулоти пешниҳодшударо онлайн харидаед (ҳама намуди маҳсулот), оё чизе ҳаст, ки шумо махсус ба ёд меоред, масалан, функсияи хубе.

  1. no
  2. in the context of buying discounted items, it should preferably be clear how much the price has been reduced and how much one saves. often, prices are marked in red or yellow to indicate a sale, and the original price is crossed out, making it easy for the buyer to read the previous price. additionally, it is a good feature to see how many stars the product has received from previous buyers - this helps to highlight the product in a trustworthy light.
  3. no
  4. i have not purchased goods online.
  5. no, not really.
  6. it runs through pricerunner.
  7. not something i can think of right now.
  8. no, unfortunately not.
  9. good wrapping
  10. good quality
  11. not immediately
  12. n/a
  13. i haven't thought about that right now.
  14. nothing specific
  15. i would really like to be able to choose both the type of cable and the type of material.
  16. clothes -> a bit up and down in quality
  17. hmm, i can't think of anything.
  18. the website had several options and showed illustrations of how it would look in a normal home again. a picture of a lamp on a white or black background doesn't provide much inspiration.
  19. that there is a function called outlet.
  20. either that it is clearly stated on the website or that i have used a discount code.
  21. have often bought a phone online.
  22. no
  23. fast delivery time is always great, because i get too excited once i've completed the purchase. :d additionally, i feel happy if the payment process goes smoothly, and if i'm not "tricked" into signing up for newsletters and similar things because i forget to uncheck a box.
  24. search options, filtering, the ability to search for multiple words, coherent and incoherent.
  25. no
  26. no
  27. it means a lot that it is easy and clear to see that you have received your discount. and remember, you also feel better about your purchase if you feel you have received good treatment and that all your purchases, whether at full price or on sale, have been packed and handled well.
  28. fast delivery and the ability to track the order.
  29. sort price (high/low)
  30. the navigation to the product is always a help.
  31. no
  32. touch on and off
  33. no.
  34. no
  35. how easy it was to complete the purchase.
  36. no
  37. no
  38. the product must function exactly as stated in the offer.
  39. no
  40. that one can search specifically for, for example, table lamps or ceiling lamps and not have to go through all types of lamps.
  41. when you can take a picture of your own living room and see how a new lamp or a new rug looks there.
  42. that i have saved
  43. no
  44. ?
  45. that there is an offer.
  46. short lifespan
  47. being able to enter price range: for example, 500kr or 500-1000kr a very important feature because i will quickly give up otherwise. the lamp master is hopeless at this because there are so many (far too many) lamps.
  48. delivery time, information after placing an order, and the option to sort by high and low price.
  49. sort by "cheapest first."
  50. i really like the feature on zalando where you can have something in your cart/wishlist, and if it goes on sale or is about to run out, you get an email about it.
  51. reliable before price & dealer.
  52. easy to search and buy
  53. not that i can think of right now.
  54. comparison function, where you can select 2 items and compare them at once.
  55. loves that mine can filter colors, price, popularity, size, etc.