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пеш тақрибан 11с
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Тарҳрезии дақиқи тамғакоғазҳо
Суратгирӣ барои дидани он, ки кадом тарҳ барои истеъмолкунандагон ҷолиб/ҷалбкунанда аст.
Кадом тамға аввал ба назаратон мерасад?
Чаро? Кадом ҷузъи мушаххаси тамға диққати шуморо ҷалб мекунад?
it's attractive.
cross inside a circle
that ban symbol on insects catches my eye first of label g.
looks nice.
red color
it shows the picture of the tick and flea, and i can tell at a glance that it is what i am looking for, rather than searching through all the different bottles (as shampoo and ear cleaners, etc., are always kept near each other) to find the one i need.
it's the only one with a symbol similar to 'no smoking'.
a, b, c, and f are quite similar. more eye-catching with animals and black text.
bold black text on blue background.
words are more remarkable.
Кадом тамға баъдан ба назаратон мерасад?
Чаро? Кадом ҷузъи мушаххаси тамға диққати шуморо ҷалб мекунад?
it's attractive.
bold and black letters with prominent size
pest control
animal picture
the white words stand out against the blue background, making it easy to read the words. compared to some of the others, it is less messy, as some of the labels have a white background for the words, then one part blue and then one part white again, which appears messier compared to just a blue background for the words area and a white background for the picture.
the white font with a black outline makes it stand out from the rest and blends perfectly with the blue background.
the text (plus it's in the center of the matrix)
the slashed circle in red
the black text is highlighted against the blue background.
Лутфан бо назардошти афзалиятатон, бо тартиби ҷолибтарин то камтар ҷолибтарин, боқимондаи тамғакоғазҳоро рейтинг кунед.
e, a, b, f, c, i, h
d i h b c f e
a to i
a, f, c, i, b, h, e
d, i, a, h, f, c, b, e, g
f, b, c, a, d, i, h, e, g
h, e, d, i, abc, .......... g
h followed by a
Оё ягон шарҳ ё пешниҳод барои тағйир додани тамғакоғазҳо, то онҳо бештар намоён шаванд ё таъсирбахштар шаванд, ва ғайра доред?
no opinion
increase font of information
maybe the words used in g can have a black border like that in d so they will stand out more.
feature chelsea on the label the label is nicely done. the amount of detail on the front cover is just nice. however, i suggest that if this product is to be displayed on a shelf or rack, have it occupy the entire column (top to bottom), and let the blue-colored front do the job. it will be very eye-catching. it will be even better if the product is displayed on a customized rack. (do check out those customized cardboard racks made by individual brands (e.g., cadbury chocolate) in the supermarket.)
"spray" is not a key word, so it can be made smaller. "tick & flea" are key words, so they should be given center stage. happy dogs provide a nice emotional connection. no one likes the looks of ticks and fleas, (especially enlarged ones) :)
instead of using a pet's photo, use something different. because just looking at the pet's photo, at first glance it looks like any other pet-related product and no immediate message is conveyed until the product name is read.
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