Тасвири шаҳр, ки бо санъати кӯча сохта шудааст

Номам Моника аст, ман дар Донишгоҳи техникии Гедиминас дар Вилнюс таҳсил мекунам. Ман дар бораи санъати кӯча ҳамчун воситаи иртиботи тасвири шаҳри Вилнюс рисолаи бакалаврии худро менависам. Ман ба назароти меҳмонони хориҷӣ / донишҷӯён / сокинони доимии шаҳр дар бораи санъати кӯча, тасвири мавҷудаи шаҳри Вилнюс ва ғайра таваҷҷӯҳ дорам.

Тасвири шаҳр, ки бо санъати кӯча сохта шудааст
Натиҷаҳои анкета танҳо барои муаллифи анкета дастрасанд

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City you live in / visited in Lithuania ✪

What kind of emotions do you feel seeing this painting? ✪

Painting on a restaurant Keulė Rūkė wall in Vilnius city
What kind of emotions do you feel seeing this painting?

What kind of emotions do you feel looking at this painting? ✪

Painting on a wall in Vilnius, Pylimo street 56
What kind of emotions do you feel looking at this painting?

What do you think about this kind of street art? ✪

Painting in Vilnius taxi park, it says "in the future every building will be world-famous for fifteen minutes"
What do you think about this kind of street art?

What is street art? ✪

What is your personal opinion about street art? ✪

Have you ever planned your route around Vilnius to see street art? ✪

Do you ever change your route in your city to see street art? ✪

What do you think about Vilnius city when you see streets like this? ✪

restaurant Keulė Rūkė and Vilnius Street Art Festival 2015 paintings in Vilnius
What do you think about Vilnius city when you see streets like this?

Do you take pictures of / selfies with street art? ✪

If yes, could you send them to my email: [email protected]

What is your opinion about Vilnius city image now? ✪

Your age ✪

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