Хароҷоти тиббӣ ва қаноатмандии беморон дар OPD дар контексти беморхонаи сатҳи сеюм: Тадқиқоти муқоисавӣ байни беморхонаҳои давлатӣ ва хусусӣ дар Дакка

Мӯҳтарам ҷавобгарон, шумо барои иштирок дар тадқиқоти мо, ки бо номи гузаронида мешавад, даъват карда мешавед, ки онро Таманна Ислам ҳамчун қисми курси Методологияи Тадқиқот дар Донишгоҳи Иқтисоди Саломатӣ дар Донишгоҳи Дакка гузаронида истодааст. Иштироки шумо дар ин тадқиқот ихтиёрӣ аст. Ҳамаи маълумоти шумо махфӣ нигоҳ дошта мешавад ва танҳо барои мақсадҳои ин тадқиқот истифода мешавад. Бо имзои зерин шумо ризоияти худро барои мубодилаи маълумоти худ барои ин тадқиқот нишон медиҳед: Имзои ҷавобгарон: ……………………… Имзои сана: ................................... ......./....../......

Натиҷаҳои анкета ба таври умумӣ дастрасанд


Hospital Type

Gender of the respondent

Age of the respondent (years)

Level of Education


Family Income (Monthly)

Which department have you consulted?

Level of Satisfaction on Registration Process

Level of Satisfaction on Registration Process

Level of Satisfaction on Registration Process

Causes for Level of Satisfaction on Registration Process

Level of Satisfaction on Waiting time (for doctor, for investigation)

Causes for Level of Satisfaction on Waiting time (for doctor, for investigation)

Level of Satisfaction on Availability of doctor

Causes for Level of Satisfaction on Availability of doctor

Level of Satisfaction on Behavior of doctor

Causes for Level of Satisfaction on Behavior of doctor

Level of Satisfaction on Consultation time of doctor

Causes for Level of Satisfaction on Consultation time of doctor

Level of Satisfaction on Instruction about uses of drug & care

Causes for Level of Satisfaction on Instruction about uses of drug & care

Level of Satisfaction on Explanation of the Complication of disease & drugs

Causes for Level of Satisfaction on Explanation of the Complication of disease & drugs

Level of Satisfaction on Service of laboratory

Causes for Level of Satisfaction on Service of laboratory

Level of Satisfaction on Cleanliness of facilities

Causes for Level of Satisfaction on Cleanliness of facilities

Level of Satisfaction on Privacy

Causes for Level of Satisfaction on Privacy

Consultant Fee (Figure in BDT)

Diagnosis Fee ( Figure in BDT)

Medicine Fee ( Figure in BDT)

Transportation Cost ( Figure in BDT)

Informal Payments ( Figure in BDT)

Level of Satisfaction on cost of hospital service