Бозии ориентация

Фикрҳои худро нависед (таклифҳо, беҳбудиҳо, шарҳҳо ва ғайра)

  1. emazing
  2. great job :) next year please be more specific in tasks description: if the team should all appear in photos or videos, how close should we be to the object, etc. next time please start to do your preparation part (upload photos, make a presentation) as fast as you can, because all teams have sent their photos during the game, so we expected that you will be prepared on time. also maybe we all should congratulate the 3 best winners or all teams by some categories (the fastest, the funniest, etc.) i loved the pub and the food was great. see you next year!
  3. it was fantastic! i would love to see this by-q. guys, you did a great job organizing this fun and entertaining event! keep it going!
  4. great work done by all the girls in gigo. smart choices and the time frame was sufficient. the choice of bar was very good. it helped many team members from different teams to get to know each other. well done. we are all very proud of you and hope you enjoyed your weekend with champagne 😀
  5. next time i suggest organizing a "treasure hunt" instead of an orientation game or organizing the orientation game in another city.
  6. <3 perfect
  7. everything was perfect, thank you very much for this fun and interesting activity and the opportunity to get to know colleagues from other teams.
  8. excellent job, perfect activity, gigo girls are wonderful! :)
  9. great event. it was nice with the mixed teams, so you got to know people from other teams and expand your danske bank network. the questions were good and gave some interesting background info for some of the locations. i also liked how they led you away from the more common streets, so you saw new parts of the city. for future events like this, it would be very nice to have a complimentary bottle of water at the beginning of the event. walking/running around the city in this heat for hours was hard. and maybe a city map for each team, to rely less on the phones. but overall, i found the event very nice. great job!
  10. i didn't like that we chose the winner. everything else was awesome.
  11. i really enjoyed the orientation game. it was a nice opportunity to get to know colleagues from other teams better. i encourage organizing a game like this once a quarter or a similar event if possible.