AGT9- MUST Voting for Best Awards 2019

Vote here for your choice of the BEST PERSON in the following categories:

Please visit  Architects Got Talent 9 and watch and COMMENT on the video where the nominee did a good job. Votes will be CROSS MATCHED.

Vote HONESTLY because you TRUELY think he/she has done a good job, not just your friend. Votes will be CROSS MATCHED, illegitimate votes WILL BE canceled..

VOTING WILL CLOSE at Midnight SUNDAY 12TH January 2020 1 AM

AGT9- MUST Voting for Best Awards 2019
Натиҷаҳои анкета танҳо барои муаллифи анкета дастрасанд

1. Best Actor/Actress ✪

Visit the playlist and look for the video your nominee is, write a comment on his/her favor THEN VOTE.
1. Best Actor/Actress

2. Best Director ✪

Visit the video and make a comment in favor of the nominee.

3. Best Editing/Montage ✪

Visit the video and make a comment in favor of the nominee.

4. Best Camera ✪

5. Best Research ✪

6. Best Script ✪

7. Best Narration/Vocals/Music ✪

8. Best Costumes / Makeup / Stylist ✪

10. Who else do you think was worthy of nomination and why?

Make a comment or a suggestion: