LustGlowParty feedback

Ҳурматли иштирокчиён, мо мехоҳем, ки назари шуморо дар бораи Луст Глоу Партӣ гирем. Ин ба мо кӯмак мекунад, то беҳтар ва беҳтарин ҷашнҳоро барои Шумо созем. Пур кардани пурсишнома тақрибан 4 дақиқа вақт мегирад. Мо конфиденсиалиятро кафолат медиҳем. Бо эҳтиром, KnK entertainment

Оё шумо ташкилоти нақлиётро ба ҷойи ҷашн писанд кардед?

Оё шумо ҷойи ҷашнро писанд кардед?

Оё шумо интериери ангарро писанд кардед?

Оё шумо ин навъи мусиқиро интизор будед?

Оё шумо мусиқиро писанд кардед?

Оё шумо нархи алкоголро мантиқӣ меҳисобед?

Оё шумо дар бар ягон "маҳсулот" намерасидед?

Агар Ҳа, кадом навъ?

  1. food
  2. beer
  3. at one moment, the vodka and beer were finished.
  4. everything was sold out after 45 minutes, except the vodka, and they didn't even have cups.
  5. beer
  6. good vodka, the vodka offered was very bad.
  7. beer, a good one.
  8. nice interior

Оё шумо муаррифкунандагони ҷашнро писанд кардед?

Оё шумо барномаи (бозӣ ва ғайра) ҷашнро писанд кардед?

Оё шумо ташкилоти нақлиётро ба хона писанд кардед?

Кадом чиз (ҳо) дар ин ҷашн бадтарин буд?

  1. the sequence of the program
  2. anchoring
  3. no opinion
  4. noise
  5. temperature
  6. cold, music
  7. cold!!!!!!!!
  8. very cold!!!
  9. all things
  10. the bar was so disorganized, really. i mean, if you advertise this party to erasmus students, it should...

Кадом чиз (ҳо) дар ин ҷашн беҳтарин буд?

  1. music
  2. music
  3. no opinion
  4. programs
  5. nothing
  6. music and the fact that a lot of people came
  7. service staff :)
  8. the location
  9. the two fireplaces outside
  10. original place

Шумо дар ин ҷашн чӣ чизро бештар намерасидед?

  1. nothing
  2. no opinion
  3. friends
  4. warm
  5. warm
  6. the warm!!!!
  7. it was very cold in the hangar, the bar didn't have any change, any cups, and the drinks (except vodka).
  8. heater, a warm place
  9. good music, hot atmosphere
  10. something warm, god damn it!

Ҳамагӣ, шумо ин ҷашнро чӣ гуна писанд кардед?

Шумо аз кадом кишвар ҳастед?

  1. india
  2. india
  3. india
  4. india
  5. poland
  6. poland
  7. portugal
  8. poland
  9. poland
  10. austria

Шумо чандсола ҳастед?

Ҷинси шумо?

Оё шумо мехоҳед дар дигар ҷашнҳои ташкилшудаи KnK entertainment иштирок кунед?

Агар шумо мехоҳед дар бораи ҷашнҳои ташкилшудаи KnK entertainment маълумот гиред, лутфан почтаи электронӣ гузоред.

  1. no. thanks
  2. [email protected]
  3. misza1984@interia
  4. [email protected]
  5. [email protected]
  6. [email protected]
  7. [email protected]
  8. [email protected]
  9. [email protected]

Ҳар гуна дигар шарҳҳо....

  1. no..
  2. none
  3. no
  4. that was the worst party i've ever seen. congratulations!!!
  5. it was very cold at the party. next time, the organizers should warn us about such things and tell us the true location of the party - for example, not party at the factory but party in the hangar.
  6. it was the most terrible party of my life!!!! hungry!!!
  7. it was too cold to enjoy the party. and i don't like such party games. also, the music wasn't very good for me.
  8. i want to complain about the alcohol offered; everybody i know who was there complained about feeling really bad. i am quite sure that there was something wrong with the alcohol, especially the vodka. a lot of people had to vomit after drinking it. if you want to get a good reputation, you should not sell cheap and really bad alcohol. everybody i know was very angry about it. also, the location was bad because it was very far away and very, very cold. there was no decoration to make the place nicer; everything was dark and unfriendly. sorry to criticize so much, but i was really disappointed and angry because of the alcohol.
  9. that was an awful party. sorry, but with such kind of "games" you will never represent your country in a good way. think about that! about transportation. at least one thing which was ok. let’s say because we didn’t have to care about how to get back to vilnius. the bad side is that they started to go very late especially when there were so many people who wanted to go out of this "great" party. the music was very individual. maybe it was great for the organizers, but not for erasmus. there should be something different and more well-known! interior of the hangar? what are you talking about? that was similar to a stable!!! sorry, but i hope you will never organize anything similar to that bad party! the worst i’ve ever had!
  10. heating heating!!

Шумо метавонед расмҳои ҷашнро дар

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