Баррасии коғазатон аз ҷониби омӯзгор

Шарҳҳо (агар лозим бошад)

  1. the process of checking is too slow.
  2. please free for students
  3. good luck for the future please innovate more!
  4. n/a
  5. thank you!
  6. good work and excellent innovation for people who love to write.
  7. i hope this site always has improvements.
  8. no
  9. -
  10. this is better to ensure their writing.
  11. specify whether the document reviewed by urkund by your professor will be counted as plagiarism or not.
  12. nice
  13. it will be great to have this kind of service provided to students.
  14. please do it for free.
  15. i will be very grateful if you choose me to be a student who receives free credit. thank you.
  16. no comments
  17. get it free for students.
  18. the software takes a long time to analyze the document.
  19. this website is really beneficial. but, i wish i didn't have to pay while i check for specific plagiarism in my file.
  20. this is a nice piece of work, and it is going to be great for us students.
  21. thank you.
  22. the service is the best
  23. "never, never, never give up" churchill – never, never, never give up.
  24. please provide us with good service, such as being able to check files up to a maximum size, and it should all be free. thank you.
  25. why not use the credits to pay the writer and compensate the reviewer?
  26. please make it easy for processing plagiarism.
  27. yes
  28. as a student, these sites are very helpful for creating a good document; however, the payment method is difficult for some.
  29. -
  30. thank you for your help through this tool.
  31. very good
  32. no
  33. there are more than two genders. please acknowledge.
  34. good nice
  35. very interesting website, very friendly and interactive, and very useful; it serves as support for the reports.
  36. satisfactory
  37. please consider donating; credit may be a burden for some people who wish to learn.
  38. in terms of honesty, it will make it easier to guarantee copyrights; however, the way quotes are supposed to be done depends on the rules of each country. if the document isn't done in the lecturer's native country, it may be a problem. for example, in brazil, we have to do a presentation in order to complete college. when i submitted my work to you, your system found many matches, but it didn't consider the part afterwards, which states where the quote came from.
  39. please notify me on how to prove that i am an assistant lecturer at tanta university, egypt, as i would like to upgrade my account and also to participate in this reviewing service. thank you.