Review your paper by lecturer

We are initiating a new service which will allow you to order the review of your paper from educators, lecturers, professors who are using our service. We ask you to answer some questions which will help us create better service.

How would you see this service working

You would be able to issue a review request for your paper. Lecturers will see the review request and will be able to offer you to review it. You will be able to assign your job to one of the offers.

As soon as you choose the reviewer, he/she will start reviewing your paper and send you the result shortly.

Натиҷаҳои анкета ба таври умумӣ дастрасанд

Will you consider using such service? ✪

Do you think this service would reduce the levels of academic dishonesty? ✪

How much this service would be beneficial for you? ✪

What price do you think the lecturers should charge for their services? ✪

Do you think that the anonymity of the reviewer should be ensured? ✪

Do you think that the anonymity of the student should be ensured? ✪

Which lecturer would you prefer to choose? ✪

Your country ✪

Your sex ✪

Your age ✪

You are ✪

Your email (if you wish to receive free credit)

Comments (if needed)