Author: Lukas

German Bread in Indonesia
This survey has been developed by students of Hochschule Koblenz - University of Applied Sciences RheinAhrCampus in Remagen, Germany. It is part of the course "International Logistics Management" in which the students simulate a company to support real non-profit companies to gain first international experience. This year the course aids a charity company namely HMP-Consulting. HMP-Consulting has initiated numerous charity projects as help for self-help including developing systems for water supply in rural areas. Now it is looking at supporting a start-up of a German bakery called "Brotfabrik" in Indonesia. The results will be taken to get started with that project. Please complete the survey. It will only take you about 5 minutes. We ensure that the collected data of this survey is anonymous. Lateron we will share the results as little thank you for your efforts. These poll results are private