Author: Nina

Use of fluoridated toothpaste and it‘s impact on human oral health - copy
Fluoride is naturally found in the water, plants, soil, rocks, and air. Fluoride is a mineral in your teeth and bones. It is commonly used in dentistry, because fluoride is great scientific source of strengthening the enamel of tooth and protects teeth against decay. Fluoride mainly slowing acid production of bacteria caused by plaque and protects teeth against a process of demineralization. This is accruing when bacteria combine with sugars to create acid that erodes the tooth. The essential of a good oral hygiene is highly recommended, because can help preventing bad breath, tooth decay and gum diseases, can help to keep your teeth as you get older. Toothpaste is an important part of good oral hygiene with various option available, which can be har to know which one is the correct choice. Many toothpastes contain fluoride, this questionnaire is assessing people’s knowledge about fluoridated toothpastes and its impact, the importance of their choice when buying a toothpaste.