Author: vitajutinskaite

Culture at ELOPAK
This survey is designed to collect information about the culture in your workplace and your personal opinion about it. It is important that you answer each question and respond to each statement as openly as possible. This is not a test, meaning that there are no correct or wrong answers. Therefore, your participation in this survey is voluntary. The results from the survey will be used for research purposes only and this will have no impact for your employment at the company.This survey is anonymous, and confidentiality is guaranteed.Guidelines on how to fill the surveyPlease choose one of the answers below each statement that you agree with and that truly represent the way you see things. If you do not find the exact answer that fits your need, use the closest one to it.
Culture at ELOPAK
This survey is designed to collect information about the culture in your workplace and your personal opinion about it. It is important that you answer each question and respond to each statement as openly as possible. This is not a test, meaning that there are no correct or wrong answers. Therefore, your participation in this survey is voluntary. The results from the survey will be used for research purposes only and this will have no impact for your employment at the company.This survey is anonymous, and confidentiality is guaranteed. Guidelines on how to fill the surveyPlease choose one of the answers below each statement that you agree with and that truly represent the way you see things. If you do not find the exact answer that fits your need, use the closest one to it.