A survey on people's current knowledge and potentiality of insurance industry


Men Dhaka Universitetining Marketing bo'limidan Md. Anisul Islamman.

Biz odamlarning sug'urta haqida qanday fikrda ekanligini va uning hayotimizdagi ahamiyatini bilishni xohlaymiz va shu orqali bu mamlakatdagi kelajagini tahlil qilmoqchimiz. Biz sug'urta marketingining yetishmovchilik darajasi, uning zaruriyati va bu mamlakatda sug'urtani rivojlantirish uchun kengayishini bilishni xohlaymiz. Shuningdek, biz odamlarning siyosat egalarining ta'qibidan va hodisa yuz berganda pulni qaytarishdan qo'rqishlarini bilishni xohlaymiz.

Anketa natijalari ommaviy ravishda mavjud

How much do you know about insurance system in Bangladesh?

How much essential is insurance in our life to exist well?

How much urgent is insurance to protect your properties?

Have you taken any insurance policy?

Is there any plan to take a insurance policy after hearing or knowing policies' importance in your life?

If you have interest to take insurance policy which type of insurance policy do you prefer for yourself?

have you friends or relatives having properties insurable but they have no insurance policy?

If you have friends or relatives can make insurance policies, how many percentange have been insured ?

How much do you hear about insurance policy in media?

How many times have you faced any insurance promotional champaign or have seen to be faced?

Which type of insurance policy do you think mostly needed for our country?

If you know about insurance known from marketing program, how much are you clearly aware about policy's benifits and importance for your life and wealth or properties?

How much fear have you of harrassment of insurance policy maker or return of money sum if something occurs?