Brand Identity of Kedainiai City

Dear Respondent!

Have you ever wondered how a local brand can influence your choices when deciding where to visit?

Kėdainiai is a city with the potential to stand out in the eyes of both local and international visitors. I invite you to participate in my research focused on shaping the brand identity of Kėdainiai. Your opinion is incredibly important!

By filling out this questionnaire, you contribute to an essential discussion about the city's identity and recognition.

This research is conducted by Lina Astrauskaitė, a third-year marketing student at Vytautas Magnus University. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to me via email: [email protected].

Thank you for your sincere responses and the time you've dedicated!

Your gender:

How old are you?

Your education:

How familiar are you with the city of Kėdainiai?

Is it easy to pronounce town name Kėdainiai?

Should Kėdainiai brandmark consist only pictures without town name ?

What factors influence your decision when choosing a place to visit? (Select all that apply)

Have you ever visited Kėdainiai?

What images or emotions come to mind when you think about Kėdainiai?

  1. kėdainiai litva respublikasidagi eng qadimiy shahar deb hisoblanadi, uning boy tarixi yillar davomida saqlanib qolgan. bu turli sayyohlik joylariga ega bo'lib, litva tarixi va madaniyatini o'rganish uchun muhim joy hisoblanadi.
  2. kėdainiai menga noyob shahar teshigi va qulay eski shaharni olib keladi.

What do you hope to find when visiting a new city?

  1. litvada madaniyat, tarix va xalq hunarmandchiligini ko'rish va his qilish mumkin bo'lgan joylar bo'lsa, juda yaxshi bo'lardi.
  2. mahalliy faoliyatlarni topishni xohlayman, bu mening tug‘ilgan shahrimda mavjud emas. va tunab qolish uchun qulay joy.

How do you usually find out about new places to visit? (Select all that apply)

On a scale from 1 to 10, how important is a city’s brand identity in your choice of destination?

  1. 10
  2. 8

What aspects of a city’s brand do you consider most important? (Select all that apply)

How likely are you to recommend Kėdainiai to others based on its brand identity?

What do you think makes Kėdainiai unique compared to other cities?

  1. uni maxsus qiladigan narsa - axborot markazidagi xodimlar tomonidan taqdim etilgan a'lo xizmatdir.
  2. kėdainiai katta shaharlaridan kunlik sayohat uchun mukammal o'lchamga ega, agar nomzodda avtomobil bo'lsa. va kichik o'lchamdagi shahar uzoq muddatli ish uchun qulay shart-sharoitlar taqdim etadi.

What improvements would you suggest for enhancing Kėdainiai's appeal to tourists?

  1. shahar markazidagi joylarni ko'paytirish va ularning sifatini yaxshilash. avtobus to'xtash joyi bilan eski shahar o'rtasidagi masofani qisqartirish. eski shaharda ko'proq ovqatlanish imkoniyatlarini qo'shish.
  2. yaxshilanishlar sayyohlar uchun turar joylar va kunlik va tungi faoliyatlar uchun joylardir.

Are you aware of any specific brands or businesses that represent Kėdainiai?

  1. men yaxshi bilmayman.
  2. non

What role do you think local events play in shaping a city’s brand identity?

  1. men buni ajoyib faoliyat deb o'ylayman. ayniqsa, eski shahar markazida bozor o'tkazish g'oyasi ajoyib. men latviya, straupe'da o'tkazilgan bozorni ajoyib deb hisoblayman. bu maxsus yoki qimmat tadbir bo'lishi shart emas.
  2. tadbirning roli sayyohlarning e'tiborini o'ziga jalb qilish va takroriy figura orqali ta'sir o'tkazishdir.

How often do you engage with a city's brand on social media?

What social media platforms do you use to learn about cities? (Select all that apply)

How would you rate Kėdainiai's current promotional efforts online?

  1. 5
  2. 5

What types of attractions do you believe are most effective in promoting a city's brand? (Select all that apply)

Would you consider attending a festival or event in Kėdainiai if it was heavily promoted?

If Kėdainiai were to strengthen its brand, which areas do you think should be prioritized? (Select all that apply)

Any additional comments or suggestions related to Kėdainiai’s brand identity?

  1. chet el fuqarosi sifatida, bu haqiqatan ham ajoyib shahar ekanligini tushunaman. tarixiy joylar va belgilarga tashrif buyuradigan sayohatlar shahar brend identitetini tarqatishning samarali usuli deb o'ylayman. chunki odamlar bu joy qanday joy ekanligini bilib olganda, uni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda baham ko'rish ehtimoli yuqori, bu esa xabardorlikni yanada oshiradi.
  2. kėdainiai brendini aniqlash uchun boshqa shahar tadbirlari bilan hamkorlik qilish yoki katta shaharda ko'chish yoki vaqtincha tashrif buyurish uchun reklama qilish ofisini ochish imkoniyati mavjud.
O'z anketangizni yaratingUshbu anketa uchun javob bering