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Prestige Anchor Awards Nomination
Prestige Anchor Awards Nomination to'RTINCHI NASHR uchun
Anketa natijalari faqat anketani yozgan shaxsga mavjud
What Is Your Name?
Your Campus (Institution Name)
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Nominee Name
Nominee Email
Nominee Phone Number
Nominee Campus ( Your Institution Name)
Nominee Social Media Handles
Nominee Segment
- tanlash -
Staff Category
Student Category
Nominee Category
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Humanitarian of the Year
Women Empowerment Activist of the Year
Most Dedicated Leader of the Year
Most Inspiring & Exemplary Leader of the Year
Leadership and Capacity Building Platform of the Year
Best Student Innovative Brand of the Year
Student Entrepreneur of the Year (Male)
Student Entrepreneur of the Year (Female)
Most Inspiring Artist of the Year
Most Intellectual Writer of the Year
Best Campus Journalist of the Year
Youth Capacity Building Blog of the Year
Women Leader of the Year
Most Innovative Student of the Year
Student Activist of the Year
Most Influential Student Leader of the Year
Student Activist of the Year
Student Leadership Personality of the Year
Most Outstanding Leader, Capacity Builder and Empowerment Activist (MALE)
Most Outstanding Leader, Capacity Builder and Empowerment Activist (FEMALE)
Leadership and Entrepreneurship Event of the Year
Most Celebrated Alumni Icon
Best CSR In Leadership and Youth Empowerment
Reasons for Nomination
Javobni yuborish