Qanday obrazlar sizning Moskvoning sharqidagi tasavvurlaringiz bilan mos keladi? (What images coincide with your ideas about the east of Moscow?)

Qanday obrazlar sizning Moskvoning sharqidagi tasavvurlaringiz bilan mos keladi? Savollarga javob berayotganda, oxirida SUBMIT tugmasini bosishni unutmang.

Qanday obrazlar sizning Moskvoning sharqidagi tasavvurlaringiz bilan mos keladi? (What images coincide with your ideas about the east of Moscow?)

Moskva shahrida bo'lganmisiz? (Have you ever been to Moscow?)

Moskva shahrida bo'lganmisiz? (Have you ever been to Moscow?)

Sizga Moskva shahrimi yoqadimi? (Do you like Moscow?)

Sizga Moskva shahrimi yoqadimi? (Do you like Moscow?)

Agar siz Moskva shahrida bo'lgan bo'lsangiz, Moskva shahrining sharqida bo'lganmisiz? (If you have been to Moscow, whether you have visited the east of Moscow?)

Agar siz Moskva shahrida bo'lgan bo'lsangiz, Moskva shahrining sharqida bo'lganmisiz? (If you have been to Moscow, whether you have visited the east of Moscow?)

Ushbu obraz sizning Moskva shahrining sharqidagi tasavvuringiz bilan mos keladimi? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Ushbu obraz sizning Moskva shahrining sharqidagi tasavvuringiz bilan mos keladimi? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Ushbu obraz sizning Moskva shahrining sharqidagi tasavvuringiz bilan mos keladimi? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Ushbu obraz sizning Moskva shahrining sharqidagi tasavvuringiz bilan mos keladimi? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Ushbu obraz sizning Moskva shahrining sharqidagi tasavvuringiz bilan mos keladimi? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Ushbu obraz sizning Moskva shahrining sharqidagi tasavvuringiz bilan mos keladimi? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Ushbu obraz sizning Moskva shahrining sharqidagi tasavvuringiz bilan mos keladimi? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Ushbu obraz sizning Moskva shahrining sharqidagi tasavvuringiz bilan mos keladimi? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Ushbu obraz sizning Moskva shahrining sharqidagi tasavvuringiz bilan mos keladimi? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Ushbu obraz sizning Moskva shahrining sharqidagi tasavvuringiz bilan mos keladimi? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Ushbu obraz sizning Moskva shahrining sharqidagi tasavvuringiz bilan mos keladimi? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Ushbu obraz sizning Moskva shahrining sharqidagi tasavvuringiz bilan mos keladimi? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Ushbu obraz sizning Moskva shahrining sharqidagi tasavvuringiz bilan mos keladimi? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Ushbu obraz sizning Moskva shahrining sharqidagi tasavvuringiz bilan mos keladimi? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Ushbu obraz sizning Moskva shahrining sharqidagi tasavvuringiz bilan mos keladimi? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Ushbu obraz sizning Moskva shahrining sharqidagi tasavvuringiz bilan mos keladimi? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Ushbu obraz sizning Moskva shahrining sharqidagi tasavvuringiz bilan mos keladimi? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Ushbu obraz sizning Moskva shahrining sharqidagi tasavvuringiz bilan mos keladimi? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Siz Moskva shahrining geografiyasi, madaniyati, tarixi va zamonaviy hayoti bilan qiziqasizmi? (Are you interested in geography, culture, history and contemporary life in Moscow?)

Siz Moskva shahrining geografiyasi, madaniyati, tarixi va zamonaviy hayoti bilan qiziqasizmi? (Are you interested in geography, culture, history and contemporary life in Moscow?)

Ushbu tasvir sizning Moskvoning sharqidagi tasavvuringizga mos keladimi?

Ushbu tasvir sizning Moskvoning sharqidagi tasavvuringizga mos keladimi?

Ushbu tasvir sizning Moskvoning sharqidagi tasavvuringizga mos keladimi? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Ushbu tasvir sizning Moskvoning sharqidagi tasavvuringizga mos keladimi? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the east of Moscow?)

Ushbu tasvir sizning Moskvoning sharqidagi tasavvuringizga mos keladimi?

Ushbu tasvir sizning Moskvoning sharqidagi tasavvuringizga mos keladimi?

Ushbu tasvir sizning Moskvoning sharqidagi tasavvuringizga mos keladimi?

Ushbu tasvir sizning Moskvoning sharqidagi tasavvuringizga mos keladimi?

Siz geografiya, madaniyat, tarix va Moskvaning zamonaviy hayoti bilan qiziqasizmi?

Siz geografiya, madaniyat, tarix va Moskvaning zamonaviy hayoti bilan qiziqasizmi?

Moskvaning sharqiga oid tasavvurlaringiz va g'oyalaringiz haqida yozing.

Moskvaning sharqiga oid tasavvurlaringiz va g'oyalaringiz haqida yozing.
    O'z anketangizni yaratingUshbu anketa uchun javob bering