Brazil consumer preferences

The poll results are public

What is your age

Please state if you are male or female

What is your approximate current salary?

Please answer the following statements with either Strongly Agree, Agree, I don't mind, Disagree or Strongly Disagree

Strongly Agree
I dont mind
Strongly Disagree
I am health conscious and tend to drink non-alcoholic beverages that are sugar free
I rarely drink non-alcoholic beverages at home other than home made juice and Water
I enjoy carbonated non-alcoholic beverages more than non-carbonated still beverages
I tend to purchase non-alcoholic drinks when I am out rather than wait til I get home
I only purchase non-alcoholic beverages in restaurants

Finish the sentence - Energy drinks are for....

Please answer the following statements with either Very Often, Often, Sometimes, Hardly Ever, Never

Very Often
Hardly Ever
I am enticed by new products and offers available
I enjoy trying new things
I like to try things which my friends have recommended to me
I prefer foreign brands to Brazilian brands
I buy non-alcoholic beverages on taste alone
I tend to buy into brands which have a strong family presence

Please state which out of the following is your preferred choice of product

please state the reason for your preferred choice

Please answer True or False to the following statement - At current the Brazilian non-alcoholic beverage market lacks variety.

Please give reasoning for your above answer