Dogs breeding

Hello! I am a Vytautas Magnus University final years business administration student. I am writing a graduation work of the University and carry out surveys, which I aim to explore the dogs breeding business characteristics. The questionnaire is anonymous. All collected data will be used for research purposes only.

Thank You in advance.

The poll results are private

1. How much dogs you have at the moment? ✪

2. What breeds of dogs are you growing? ✪

3. What breeds of dogs are you breeding? ✪

4. How long are you breeding dogs? ✪

5. Why have you decided to breed and sell dogs? ✪

6. What means dog breeding for you? ✪

7. Are you familiar with laws and regulations governing dog breeding? ✪

8. Is laws governing dog breeding is favourable for breeders?

9. Evaluate the potential problems faced by the person who decides to breed dogs (1 – strongly disagree; 5 – strongly agree)? ✪

*,,Pet“ and ,Show“ puppies – puppies separation to classes. “pet” puppies are cheaper and aren’t used for breeding because they have serious faults by breed standard. “show” puppies are great example of the breed, also they are more expensive.
Purchasing of good stud dogs
Kennel registration
Kennel management and administration
Regulations of breeding
Regulations of dog keeping
Puppy pricing
,,Pet“ and ,,Show“ puppy separation
Taxes declaration
Laws and regulations intricacy

10. How much money do you earn by selling puppies per year? ✪

11. How do you declare income of selling puppies? ✪

12. How much you pay for the sold puppies in the form of state tax per year? ✪

13. Where are you selling puppies most? ✪

14. For which foreign countries do you sell puppies?

15. Is it difficult to sell all puppies? ✪

16. Are you always selling all the litters? ✪

17. Evaluate potential causes of not buying puppies (1 – strongly disagree; 5 – strongly agree). ✪

Supply exceeds demand
People wants puppies of parents who have better evaluations
Lack of advertising
High price
Unpopular breed
Unfamiliar kennel
Poor puppies’ parents appearances at exhibitions, field trials and race results

18. Do you think it is possible to live from dogs breeding business? ✪

19. Do you use advertising tools for selling puppies? ✪

20. What advertising tools are you using (choose from 1 to 3 answers)?

21. Evaluate how well you understand the field trials, competitions and exhibitions (1 – strongly disagree; 5 – strongly agree). ✪

A peculiar form of advertising
Kennel image creation and improving form
Because titles are necessary for breeding
You are passionate and want to compete

22. How much money do you spend for advertising per year? ✪

23. Do you have children? ✪

24. Your age: ✪

25. Your gender: ✪