Innovation in UAB "MANTINGA"

Is ‘MANTINGA’ an innovative company? Please, explain your answer

  1. yes
  2. Taip, del to kad gamina aukstos kokybes gaminius
  3. Yes, plenty new products, wide export to other countries all over the world
  4. Mano nuomone, si imone labai inovatyvi, plecianti rysius, didinanti asortimenta, nuolat pristato nauju produktu ir idomiai juos pateikia pirkejams.
  5. I think yes, they have many products and still can surprise customers
  6. Yes. Because they create many interesting products every year
  7. I don't have the opinion about this company, because i don't like their products and i don't know this company very well to answer this question.
  8. .
  9. Taip, nes vis tobulinasi.
  10. .