Karl Niklas Headshots Poll

Do you think these shots match up with the casting brackets I am aiming for and why?

  1. Same as above. For me it's all about the beard
  2. Yes, but i think you're more suited with a beard, makes you look the age you are.
  3. 1, 3, 5 and 6 are better if you need something specific for a casting. 5 is good for more pensive, serious roles and 1 is good for friendly, quirky chap. 6 also does that but I find 1 a stronger photo. 3 makes you look like a bit shady (in a good way, like a Bond villain, not a paedo).
  4. I think each one matches a different casting. I like 3 for 'hard man' /villain casting. 4 is my favourite as I think it looks most like you.
  5. Number one, yes. It's truthful and still has a sense of the brackets you're aiming for.
  6. Yes, because there is enough variation
  7. Yes definitely. Headset 2 is a great neutral one. I love the darkside in number 3! And number 5 is more intellectual/quirky.
  8. All the pics definitely portray intelligence and intensity. You also seem like a 'nice' person, as vapid a statement as that is. I'm not sure if quirkiness comes across so much, although that's perhaps something that's more likely to come across at casting rather than in a photo (i.e. I wouldn't describe your face as quirky, you are far too attractive for that).
  9. Beardy suits your intellectual powerful stage type. Beardless is more quirky and cute.
  10. See above.