Karl Niklas Headshots Poll

How would you cast me if you didn't know me? (And if you don't very well, how would you cast me on first impression?)

  1. Actually, now I think about it, the clean-shaven ones could be fine for serious parts, so I think I'm probably rubbish at judging someone's suitability for a role from a headshot ;)
  2. Oscar Wilde plays, anything with RP really!
  3. You have a lot of gravitas and weight (in terms of personality, not physically!). You can appear quite calm and approachable. Characters which require intelligence and responsibility suit you.
  4. From 4 i would cast you as a clever villian character. Possibly even a hard man love interest.
  5. As you've outlined I your brackets above - I'd agree with those roles.
  6. Serious - moody - intellectual. You could do dark. You can do quirky.
  7. Young father, older brother, cast in TV drams and stage Shakespeare
  8. Intellectual. Middle class. Comic. Darker killer/suspect...
  9. Just from photos I think you have a relatively broad casting range. In a polar 'fairytale' world you could play either the 'good' or 'bad' guy. Definitely come across as clever and good natured - commerical wise, you could definitely be the smart guy that people would trust. I now you can be very funny and again I think that's something hard to portray in a photo without undermining a certain neutrality that is a necessity. There are very few parts I wouldn't consider you for theatre wise. As we all know for television, film and commerical it more often than not begins with a search for a very specific look that one either conforms to or does not.
  10. As Orson Welles