Karl Niklas Headshots Poll

Any other feedback.

  1. 3. Unsure about this one 6. I don't think this works as you don't look relaxed / natural
  2. shot 2 works for me- your presence is open and there is energy, but it's not forced. shot 1 is good- but your smile is a bit 'held' and it's a little too 'young Rowan Atkinson' for me- just as a a general photo- but if they're looking for that casting- then you're onto a winner! The others are a little too stagy or held for my taste... re: casting- would I get you in for an audition based on photo 2? yes, I would, if your experience was relevant. For me, it's a combination of the two. And if your photo came across my desk and you were right for the part I would get you in to audition! Talk soon- all the best with you poll- it's the best poll for photos that anyone has ever sent. It's great to see that you're busy and well- best wishes! H
  3. You're gorgeous. Good luck :)
  4. You look like a cunt in all of them
  5. Nice one Karl.
  6. All round great photos that really show you and your potential casting very well.
  7. Strong portfolio. Almost all worth having as alternatives on Spotlight, CCP or any other web profile gallery. Definitely no.2 as a main headshot for me.
  8. Handsome chap.
  9. Love ya.
  10. Looking good niklas!! Love Caitlin xxxx