Management of Lithuanian Young people attitudes towards consumption of Dairy products - copy

Iam Thejaswani kappala,  a graduate student from Health Science department, at Klaipeda University.This survey is being conducted as a part of graduate research class.My research topic mainly depends on the dairy products intake.You are asked to fill out the survey below.The answers you provide will be completely anonymous and will be summarized.

The poll results are public

1. What type of milk or dairy products do you usually drink?

2.How often do you drink milk (NOT in coffee, Tea, please do not include flavoured milk/chocolate).

3.Why do you prefer milk (full-fat, Low-fat, fat free)?

4. How many glasses of milk you usually drink in a week?

5.How often do you consider low-fat (1%)or fat free milk(skim)?

6.How often did you drink flavoured milk ( Including hot chocolate)

7.On average, how often do you drink milk ( whole milk, low-fat milk,skim -milk, 1%-low fat milk)?

8.What type of milk do you prefer in cheese?

9.Please choose which statement you Agree/ Disagree (Evaluate and mark all questions)

strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
I like the taste of milk and dairy products
Iam concerned about cholesterol content of milk and dairy products 󠇤 󠇤
Milk and milk products helpsto prevent osteoporosis 󠇤 󠇤 󠇤
I have gastro intestine issues when I consume milk and dairy products 󠇤
Milk and dairy products helps in management of weight 󠇤 󠇤

10. What is your gender?

11.What is your age?

12. what is your Ethnicity/Nationality?

13.How much do you currently weigh?(Kilograms)

14.What is your Height?( centimeters)

15.What is your academic status?