New technology barriers that are affecting consumer behaviour resistance to innovations


The aim of this questionnaire is to underline and analyse new technology barriers that are affecting consumer behaviour resistance to innovations. The outcome of this study will be used only for our, Vilnius University undergraduate students, Bachelor Thesis. We guarantee the confidentiality of your answers.



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1. Have you purchased online in last 6 months period?

2. How often do you buy online?

3. Please express your opinion about the online purchase propositions below.

4. Have you purchased something using mobile applications in last 6 months period?

5. How often do you buy using mobile applications?

6. Please express your opinion about the purchase using mobile applications propositions below.

7. How likely are you to purchase clothes produced using laser prints technology?

7. How likely are you to purchase clothes produced using laser prints technology?

8. Please express your opinion how likely are those problems stated below to occur when wearing clothes produced using laser prints technology.

8. Please express your opinion how likely are those problems stated below to occur when wearing clothes produced using laser prints technology.

9. How likely are you to purchase clothes produced using acid wash technology?

 9. How likely are you to purchase clothes produced using acid wash technology?

10. Please express your opinion how likely are those problems stated below to occur when wearing clothes produced using this technology: acid wash.

10. Please express your opinion how likely are those problems stated below to occur when wearing clothes produced using this technology: acid wash.

11. How likely are you to purchase clothes produced using colour and fabric blocking?

11. How likely are you to purchase clothes produced using colour and fabric blocking?

12. Please express your opinion how likely are those problems stated below to occur when wearing clothes produced using this technology: colour and fabric blocking.

12. Please express your opinion how likely are those problems stated below to occur when wearing clothes produced using this technology: colour and fabric blocking.

13. What is your gender?

14. What is your age?

15. Please select your level of education:

16. Are you employed?

17. Please evaluate your average income comparing with the average income in your country

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