Online shopping cart (basket) abandonment specifics

Could you please set out any other reasons that you find relevant for online shopping card abandonment

  1. It's just easy to close your tab and not buying the product, plus pics aren't as good as you having the chance to
  2. for the fidelity point discount
  3. na
  4. Similar to a wishlist, I have used it to outline how much I need in my budget to spend on clothes
  5. Is just to give me time to think
  6. no
  7. Offer free delivery,remove hidden fees.
  8. Seeing the same product in another store for cheaper
  9. I only leave products in shopping baskets when online retailers don't have wish list options on websites.
  10. sometimes I change my mind about the product, also sometimes I just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and VAT and if I am not happy with the amount I would just leave it and not purchase it.