The survey of the branding of Taiwan as a destination


Thank you for allowing me to communicate with you. This survey is for my postgraduate research which aims to understand the views ofthe UK residents towards Taiwan as a tourism destination. Iwould like to invite you to fill in the important opinion in this questionnaire. All responses will be held in strictest confidence and only for academic research and all responses will be destroyed within 3 months of completing my Masters degree. Please answer the questions as fully as possible. I appreciate your time and help. 

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Q1.Have you visited Taiwan before? 請問你有去過台灣嗎?

Q2.How many times have you travel to Taiwan? 曾經到過台灣幾次?

Q3. How did you travel to Taiwan? 以什麼樣的性質到台灣旅遊?

Other option 其他


    Q4. What is the purpose of visit? 旅行的目的

    Other option 其他


      Q5. If you did not consider Taiwan as a place to visit was it because? 什麼原因讓你從未想過去台灣旅行?

      Other option 其他


        Q6. What kind of attractions makes you decide to visit a holiday destination? 什麼樣的事物會影響你規劃旅行的目的地?

        Other option


          Q7. When choosing a travel destinations,to what extent do the following attributes, influence you the most? 當你選擇旅遊地點時,什麼樣的旅遊性質會影響你做決定?

          Q8. Brand is a name, sign, symbol used to identify items or services of the sellers. For many products and companies, branding is an essential part of marketing. Here are several questions about brans as follows. Please tick one box for each question.

          Q9. Do you think having goods with brand can highlight the unique personal identity? 你認為擁有名牌的商品可以突顯個人特別的品味嗎?

          Q10. Do you think having goods with brand can highlight the social status of someone? 你認為擁有名牌的的商品可以突顯個人的社交地位嗎?

          Q11. Marketing and branding of Taiwan 台灣的品牌以及市場

          Q12. Is a destination brand (advertising, video, image, lego and slogan) is a good way to represent a country or place? 透過 廣告,電玩,影像, 商標名稱和標語 有助於表現國家的品牌

          Q13. Do you agree that a good country branding can make a destination become a successful tourist destination? 你是否認為一個良好的國家品牌可以幫助國家成為知名的觀光勝地?

          Q14. What type of slogan of Taiwan do you think would be MOST suitable for branding? 哪一個觀光標語最適合台灣觀光品牌?

          Q15. Gender 性別

          Q16. Age 年齡

          Q17. Employment status 職業

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