The aim of this questionnaire is for academic purposes only. Thank you.

The poll results are public

Instituiion name


3. Evaluate how online library databases smooth the progress of learning, research and consultancy in your institution by selecting one option only from below

a. Online library databases help you to find sources of solutions on your project work
b. Online library databases help you to find sources of solutions on your research and dissertation
c. Online library databases help you to find sources of learning materials
d. Online library databases help you to find sources of solutions on your coursework and assignment preparations
e. Online library databases help you to find sources of information on the development of your professional career
f. Online library databases help you to find sources of recent knowledge and development on your profession
g. Online library databases help you to find sources of reserach and scholarship opportunities

4. Evaluate the relevance of subscribed online library databases in your institution by selecting one option only below:

Very Irrelevant
Very Relevant
a. How relevant are the online library databases as sources of solutions on your coursework?
b. How relevant are the online library databases as sources of solutions on your project work?
c. How relevant are the online library databases as sources of solutions on your research and dissertation?
d. How relevant are the online library databases as sources of learning materials?
e. How relevant are the online library databases as sources of solutions on your coursework and assignment preparations?
f. How relevant are the online library databases as sources of information on the development of your professional career?
g. How relevant are the online library databases as sources of recent knowledge and development on your profession?
h. How relevant are the online library databases as sources of research and scholarship opportunities?

5. Evaluate usefulness of available ICT resources available at your campus for the provision of services related to online database libraries

Very Poor
Not Available
a. Rate the usefulness of wireless Internet connection at your campus in facilitating access to online library databases
b. Rate the usefulness of computer laboratories for Internet connection at your campus in facilitating access to online database libraries
c. Rate the usefulness of Internet connection speed at your campus in facilitating access to online database libraries
d. Rate the usefulness of e-book libraries at your campus in facilitating access to online database libraries
e. Rate the usefulness of Library Management System (e.g. Koha, Athena, etc.) at your campus in facilitating access to online database libraries
f. Rate the usefulness of the Library staff users desks at your campus in facilitating access to online database libraries

6. Rate your satisfaction level on the online library database systems in your Institution by selecting one option only below:

Very Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
a. How satisfied are you with the online database library databases as sources of solutions on your coursework?
b. How satisfied are you with the online database library databases as sources of solutions on your project work?
c. How satisfied are you with the online database library databases as sources of solutions on your research and dissertation?
d. How satisfied are you with the online database library databases as sources of learning materials?
e. How satisfied are you with the online database library databases as sources of solutions on your coursework and assignment preparations?
f. How satisfied are you with the online database library databases as sources of information on the development of your professional career?
g. How satisfied are you with the online database library databases as sources of recent knowledge and development of your profession?
h. How satisfied are you with the online database library databases as sources of research and scholarship opportunities?

7. List names of the most common online library databases used in your Institution

8. List the challenges you face when using online database libraries in your campus

9. What areas in your own opinion need improvement in order to improve the usefulness of online database libraries in your Institution?