what do i print and how many

if you have any suggestions for prints or buttons to make, by your personal opinion or general audience likes, you can say that too. and anything else you may have in your head

  1. no
  2. noooo
  3. no
  4. No
  5. A Bagginshield Button would be cool but you could also do a set of 4 buttons (Sam,Frodo,Pippin,Merry) too. People sometimes like keychains too. You could make a sketchbook type booklet full of your sketches too and offer to sign them at the con.
  6. i love love love your hobbits, maybe have individual pins for them? and maybe pins for the movie-verse dwarves and hobbits and such!! maybe some elves. i love your art!!! good luck!
  7. More Durin family feels!