What happens in bed when living Devotional Sex? - v2

This survey is for those who LIVE Devotional Sex.

There are 7 wake-ups and 7 bedtimes each week. If there is intercourse twice a week that means there are 14 - 2 = 12 opportunities each week for just a cuddle, a Devotional Cuddle, or some sexual activity without intercourse.

How often do those who live Devotional Sex have sex which includes intercourse, and what happens all those wakeups and bedtimes that don't include intercourse?


Note that all the answers in the above link add up to 14 - one answer for each of the 7 mornings and 7 bedtimes.

Of course some sessions will be only a minute or two and a few will be much longer.

It doesn't matter if your answers are just a guesstimate. Not sure whether something happens 2 or 3 times a week - just pick an answer and move on. If you do something different from any of the options provided just pick the closest option.

If intercourse happens then that is a 1 for the first activity no-matter what else you also did that session. 

If a session of sexual activity without intercourse included several major activities just pick the one that lasted the longest or felt the most important. If you do equal amounts of A and B two times a week you can answer 1 for A and 1 for B. 

If you have some activitiy in the evening before bed you can include that activity as the answer for what you did that bedtime. 

YOUR TOTAL SHOULD EQUAL 14.   That is because there a 7 wake-ups and 7 bedtimes each week.  

An example answer (which adds up to 14) is:

1  Joy and other activities,
3  of mainly him giving her a Pleasure Kiss, 
1  of him using his hand on her Pleasure, 
1  of active Desire Play,
4  sessions of Devotional Cuddles
2  just a cuddle, and
2  nothing at all


The poll results are private

His age is:  ✪

In an 'average' week of Devotional Sex, with 7 wake-ups and 7 bedtimes, how many times does each of the following best describes what you do? Remember the total should equal 14.

Intercourse (and maybe lots of other activities as well as intercourse that morning or bedtime):

Mainly a Pleasure Kiss (ie you have a bedtime or morning without intercourse where the main activity is him giving her oral sex)

Mainly a Desire Kiss (ie you have a bedtime or morning without intercourse where the main activity is her giving him oral sex)

Mainly Pleasure Play (ie you have a morning or bedtime without intercourse which is mainly him playing with her sex with his hands)

Mainly ACTIVE Desire Play (ie you have a morning or bedtime without intercourse where the main activity is her actively playing with his erection)

Mainly her having him play with himself (ie you have a morning or bedtime without intercourse where the main activity is him playing with himself)

Just a Devotional Cuddle (ie when you wake up or go to be bed you cuddle with her holding or gently playing with his erection but no other sexual activities happen that session)

Just a cuddle: (ie you wake up and cuddle but do nothing else or you go to bed and cuddle and do nothing else. Just a cuddle means that if he is erect she doesn't touch his erection with her hand.)

Nothing at all (ie when you wakeup together or go to bed you don't even have a cuddle)

If you have got it right then all of your answers so far should add up to 14 - ie one answer for each morning and each bedtime of your 'average' week. Please feel free to add any comments about this survey below:

The result of all this activity is that in an average week she orgasms about ...

And despite all this activity, on average he ejaculates about once every ...