Apply here. - HR Job

Thanks in advance for inquiring about this job. Please answer these

brief questions so that I can determine if this would be a good match for both you and the employer.


-Ray Osborne



Apply here. - HR Job
The poll results are private

Please introduce yourself.

Based on the job description list the amount of experience you have with it.

No Experience
Less than 6 months
One year
More than a year less than 5
Over Five years
HR/employee relations
SHRM Certification
Technical skills
Functional skills
Specific industry
Computer skills

Please copy and paste your resume in this section.

Please choose the most appropriate answers; Relocation, add your own option permitted.

Enter your phone number, email address and preferred method of contact

Would you like to be contacted with other similar positions?

What social media group or newsgroup did you learn about this job?

What is the job title and location that it is listed as from the description.