Following your social interests during social distancing poll - v 2

This short five-question poll will help us research the ways in which people are continuing to pursue their interests during the pandemic using telemeetings. Our objective is to discover those interests that can become topics for future remote meetups that you can enjoy from a computer or device. The results will help us design and promote virtual meetings that may interest you. All questions are optional and all info is kept confidential.

Raymond Osborne

A1A Research, Inc

#394 8700 Astronaut Blvd.

Cape Canaveral, Florida


Following your social interests during social distancing poll - v 2
The poll results are private

Have you ever used your PC or mobile device to remotely attend a meetup?

What topics would interest you enough to attend a virtual meetup or webinar? choose as many as you like, add options.

What telemeeting app did you use? Free to add ones we missed.

What name do you like to be known as?

Please share some keywords of issues on topics you would like to see virtual meetups on.

Are you a veteran?

Can we send you more info about this topic of virtual meetings? If so, leave preferred contact info like email, phone, etc. comments welcome too.

What is your date of birth?

Join our Happy Birthday list on our landing page.