Short Survey on Favorite Group Activities - v2

Thanks for visiting to take a  short survey. It helps to understand what group activities interest residents in this locality for planning purposes.

A couple of notes, You can leave whatever you wish to share in Question #4.

Enter to Win a Gift card or certificate question #5.

If you wish to give us your contact info understand it will not be sold or traded.

Raymond Osborne A1A Research, Inc

Short Survey on Favorite Group Activities - v2
The poll results are private

1) What are your preferred group activities? Choose your top 3. Add activities that are not on this list.

2) Do you like remote events where you can participate with your own device from your home.

3) What age bracket do you fall into?

4) If you would like to be communicated on future activities,Type your contact info: ie text numbers, email address, telephone voice in the space below. Or even share a joke with me that makes you laugh.

4) If you would like to be communicated on future activities,Type your contact info: ie text numbers, email address, telephone voice in the space below. Or even share a joke with me that  makes you laugh.

#5), Enter to Win Gift Card. What is your favorite gift card, ie Dunkin, Walmart, Local restaurant, local business. Be sure to enter your contact for question #4,

6) Where did you hear about this survey?

6) Where did you hear about this survey?