Your progress with Devotional Sex

This survey is for you (anonomously) to let me know that you have reached a new step forward in your practice of Devotional Sex

This is for NEW steps forward (ie those things you have done for the first time WITHIN THE LAST MONTH). 

So please DON'T include things that you first did many months or years ago. 

And if you take another step forward in the future please come back and do this survey again. But when you do don't repeat those things you entered last time.

Results are publicly available

Your age is:

You are:

You are in a

The person who was most keen to try Devotional Sex at the very beginning of your exploration was:

You first started to practice Devotional Sex about ..

IN THE LAST MONTH (you can select two or more answers):

The person who was most keen to progress to this stage of doing Devotional Sex was:

Please feel free to add some comments or feedback about Devotional Sex and how it is working for you both.