
An yi muku roƙon ku ku shiga cikin binciken don bayyana ra'ayinku da ra'ayoyin ku kan ƙwarewar masu karatun gudanar da harkokin baƙi da masana'antar ke buƙata.

Wannan binciken yana gudanar da Kwamitin Shirin Nazarin Gudanar da Harkokin Baƙi na Jami'ar Utena ta Kimiyya (Lithuania).

Ra'ayoyin za su taimaka wajen duba sakamakon koyo da aka nufa na shirin karatun.

Na gode da gudummawar ku mai mahimmanci.

Da gaske,

Rasa Jodienė, shugaban Kwamitin Shirin Nazarin a madadin Kwamitin

Sakamakon fom yana samuwa ga kowa

Your position within the organization. ✪

What kind of organisation (company) do you represent? ✪

The location where your organisation is situated (please, indicate) ✪

What is the number of employees in your company? ✪

How many of your employees have gained a degree in Hospitality Management (including the ones currently studying for it)? Indicate the number, please. ✪

How many of hospitality management graduates would you employ in your organization? ✪

What do you expect from hospitality management graduates during their employment at your organization? ✪

What characteristic is the most important for an employee? ✪

What do you consider to be the most important criterion for a new employee? ✪

What OTHER skills do you consider to be the most important criterion for a new employee of the hospitality management industry? ✪

Which skills do you expect from the graduates of hospitality management? ✪

Do you think that an internship or a cooperative education programme may help students’ careers in the hospitality industry? ✪

What competencies of the hospitality management graduate should the joint study programme focus on in order to meet the demand of employers? Indicate at least three. ✪

Would you contribute to the training of the hospitality management students? ✪

If your previous answer is "yes", please specify the manner of your contribution: ✪

Do you have any other suggestion on the form of cooperation between the study programme and your organisation? ✪