Koje slike se podudaraju s vašim predstavama o jugu Moskve?

Koje slike se podudaraju s vašim predstavama o istoku Moskve? Odgovarajući na pitanja, ne zaboravite pritisnuti gumb SUBMIT na kraju.

Jeste li ikada bili u Moskvi? (Have you ever been to Moscow?)

Jeste li ikada bili u Moskvi? (Have you ever been to Moscow?)

Sviđa li vam se Moskva? (Do you like Moscow?)

Ako ste bili u Moskvi, jeste li bili na jugu Moskve? (If you have been to Moscow, whether you have visited the south of Moscow?)

Podudara li se ova slika s vašim predstavama o jugu Moskve? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Podudara li se ova slika s vašim predstavama o jugu Moskve? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Podudara li se ova slika s vašim predstavama o jugu Moskve? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Podudara li se ova slika s vašim predstavama o jugu Moskve? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Podudara li se ova slika s vašim predstavama o jugu Moskve? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Podudara li se ova slika s vašim predstavama o jugu Moskve? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Podudara li se ova slika s vašim predstavama o jugu Moskve? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Podudara li se ova slika s vašim predstavama o jugu Moskve? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Podudara li se ova slika s vašim predstavama o jugu Moskve? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Podudara li se ova slika s vašim predstavama o jugu Moskve? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Podudara li se ova slika s vašim predstavama o jugu Moskve? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Podudara li se ova slika s vašim predstavama o jugu Moskve? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Podudara li se ova slika s vašim predstavama o jugu Moskve? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Podudara li se ova slika s vašim predstavama o jugu Moskve? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Podudara li se ova slika s vašim predstavama o jugu Moskve? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Podudara li se ova slika s vašim predstavama o jugu Moskve? (Does this image match your idea (mental representation) of the south of Moscow?)

Slaže li se ova slika s vašom predstavom o jugu Moskve?

Slaže li se ova slika s vašom predstavom o jugu Moskve?

Slaže li se ova slika s vašom predstavom o jugu Moskve?

Slaže li se ova slika s vašom predstavom o jugu Moskve?
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