Հովիտել ORATORIJA, ողջույն! Հաջորդ հարցերի մեջ քեզ հրավիրում ենք, որ լրացնես այն և նպաստես, որ օրանտորիայի խորհրդակցությունը կազմվի քո չափով: Ուրախ սեղմումներ!

Ինչպիսի տեղ ունի օրանտորիայի նախագիծը քո համայնքում: Ինչպե՞ս ես դրանով գոհ: Ինչքան հաճախ եք հանդիպում, կազմակերպում եք այլ գործունեություն օրանտորիայի կողքին:

  1. the oratory project in our parish is, i can almost say, one of the central projects, as it attracts around 130 children each year, which is a very nice number. the oratory is very carefully planned each year, and a lot of work is invested not only by the animators but also by the sisters, who take a leading role in the organization. all the parish priests of the involved parishes are also included in the project. meetings for the oratory start around april (the animators are somewhat limited in time, as the preparatory group mainly consists of students). a few intensive meetings of the preparatory group are dedicated to the actual preparation, gathering ideas, re-evaluating the previous oratory, brainstorming, etc. in short, there are a few intensive meetings where tasks are assigned, and then other animators are involved, to whom we assign tasks. general meetings also take place from around april or may onwards, and these are full-day meetings where the oratory content is discussed and everything necessary for workshops, games, dances, etc. is prepared. in short, the involvement of all actors is essential, and we are also required to have more than half participation in these meetings, as only then can we function as a coordinated team. in šmihel, meetings of animators (or somewhat like a catechism class, where the members are usually also animators at the oratory) have been taking place since october. these are friday meetings where we mostly talk, but various activities are also organized, such as advent workshops, reading hours for the youngest, slomšek's reading recognition, children's, youth, and adult choirs, etc., and the children who participate in these activities are usually also participants in the oratory.
  2. in addition to the summer oratory, we also have an advent and easter oratory. the oratory is of great importance for the entire parish, especially for the children.
  3. as one of the city parishes, we have a joint oratory with the other three. additionally, this year we organized a one-day oratory for the first time, an oratory day. besides that, various workshops for students take place every year.
  4. the oratory holds an important place among the youth because it is a big project that they prepare for all year. they are very satisfied with it because it brings together and connects young people. throughout the year, we meet once a month. last year, we did not organize anything else besides the oratory, but this year we are also planning some oratory days throughout the year.
  5. the oratory is in the first place.
  6. the oratory has a very important place, as it provides a reason for gathering in a small and not very active parish; after all, it has also given rise to a youth group. very satisfied! we meet a few times, the last two months before the oratory. before that, maybe once or twice. almost the same team participates in youth meetings (religious education), which take place once a month. this year we will be making animated advent wreaths :) additionally, there is also a choir in the parish, which includes some young people...

ՈՒՍՈՒՄՆԱԿԱՆՈՒԹՅՈՒՆ ԽՈՒՄԲԻ ՀԱՄԱՐ: Ինչպես "շնչում" է քո անիմատորների խումբը, ինչպիսի է մթնոլորտը: (շրջանցիր պատասխան)


  1. it is not possible for everyone to meet regularly and all the time... different age groups (which is not a weakness but rather an advantage - different perspectives, ideas..!!!!) and especially older people have more obligations, so it is difficult to coordinate our commitments and meetings.
  2. the problem is that there are few of us; we are quite dispersed across the parish and are mostly involved in some other activities elsewhere, which consequently leaves us short on time.

ՈՒՍՈՒՄՆԱԿԱՆՈՒԹՅՈՒՆ ՈՒՐԱԽԱՅԻՆՈՒԹՅԱՆ, ՊԱՏԱՍԽԱՆԱՏՎՈՒԹՅԱՆ ՀԱՄԱՐ: Ինչպես եք մղում անիմատորին աշխատանքի, որ ընդունի անիմատորի ծառայության պատասխանատվությունը մյուսների համար և ինքն իրեն աճի: (շրջանցիր պատասխան)


  1. everyone involved in animation knows that it is a voluntary matter,... the greatest reward for us is the satisfaction of the children and the bowl of ice cream we get after a successfully completed oratory day :)
  2. you need to give some encouragement or hint to the younger animators there.

ՈՒՍՈՒՄՆԱԿԱՆՈՒԹՅՈՒՆ ՕՐԱՏՈՐԻԱՅԻ ԴԵԼԱՐԱՐՈՒԹՅԱՆ ՀԱՄԱՐ: Ինչպես եք ձեռք բերում նոր անիմատորներ: Ինչպես եք նրանց ընդգրկում խմբում, ինչի վրա եք նրանց նկատմամբ հատկապես ուշադրություն դարձնում?


  1. "advertising" for animation is done during religious education, in announcements... many join because they have heard about it from others, and there are also many animators who were once participants in the oratory... every animator is welcome, no one is turned away. the tasks assigned to an animator also depend on their level of engagement, of course, as well as their age. inclusion in the group is not problematic for us. we quickly connect and operate as a whole with animators who come from other parishes (our oratory is urban - involving several parishes).
  2. we have a lot of "imported" animators from other parishes... since there aren't enough locals and young animators, we are considering taking a break from the oratory for a year. we don't have very strict rules, so we also have some "lukewarm" animators, who would probably drop out if we tightened the criteria... otherwise, they will soon drop out on their own.

ԸՆԹԱՑՈՒԹՅՈՒՆ ԱՆԻՄԱՏՈՐՆԵՐԻ - ԱՆԻՄԱՏՈՐՆԵՐԻ ՈՒՍՈՒՄՆԱԿԱՆՈՒԹՅՈՒՆ: Ինչքան պատրաստված են ձեր անիմատորները անիմատորական աշխատանքի համար?


  1. our growth is mainly taken care of by the sisters in šmihel, as well as the weekly animator meetings led by mr. pastor.
  2. they turned down all offers for schooling: "i don't have time." however, at least a few of us go to stična for the festival every year.

ԸՆԹԱՑՈՒԹՅՈՒՆ ԱՆԻՄԱՏՈՐՆԵՐԻ - ԱՆԻՄԱՏՈՐԱԿԱՆ ՈՒՆԵՐԻ ՈՒՍՈՒՄՆԱԿԱՆՈՒԹՅՈՒՆ: Որտեղ են ձեր անիմատորները ներգրավում մղումը անիմատորական աշխատանքի համար?


  1. our animators, along with most of their parents, are deeply involved in the happenings in the parish; they have instilled certain values that they are aware of and understand what they mean. the motives are generally likely to be all of the above-mentioned, namely... friends, working with children, volunteering, as well as christian values...
Ստեղծել ձեր հարցաթերթըՊատասխանել այս հարցմանը