Դիտարկում թվային մեդիաների ինտեգրումը դասարանում

Ես նաև ցանկանում եմ իմանալ Ձեր կարծիքը թվային մեդիաների օգտագործման մասին դասարանում կամ ուսուցման ընթացքում: Շնորհակալություն, եթե Դուք վերջնական հայտարարություն ավելացնեք ազատ տեքստի դաշտում! Որպեսզի կարողանամ գնահատել, թե արդյոք Ձեր կարծիքը աշակերտի կամ ուսուցչի կարծիք է, խնդրում եմ դա նշել.

  1. na
  2. digital media has certain drawbacks too, such as eye strain, so it should be used in moderation.
  3. teacher: as with any medium, it depends on the fit. in my opinion, digital media can still be motivating at the moment because they seem new and are more rooted in the world of students than in that of teachers. digitalization offers opportunities for securing and disseminating contributions and results. however, the dependence on functioning technology, for example with smartboards in schools, proves to be more of a risk given the tight budgets of school authorities. competent handling of media usually requires text competence, which is often better acquired through non-digitized materials.
  4. student
  5. as a teacher, i greatly appreciate the use of digital media in designing my lessons. on one hand, the multimedia design of learning processes makes it possible to cater to different learning types: for example, video and audio documents to support visual and often affective learning processes. on the other hand, online learning platforms like moodle enable the provision of teaching materials as well as further learning opportunities. however, it must be noted that such elearning offerings require significant additional effort from teachers. a poorly maintained platform is, in my opinion, rather misleading and can be demotivating for learners. when conducting lessons, greater attention must be paid to a meaningful phrasing of the lesson sections (derivation of the problem, phases of development, consolidation phases, etc.), as otherwise multimedia content could lead to "overstimulation" and distract from the actual learning objective.
  6. g., teacher at a secondary school: we live in a time when most students are digital natives. therefore, i believe it is appropriate to use media familiar to the students in class alongside traditional media. beyond using them as learning aids, the handling of digital media should also be part of the curriculum. i have experienced several times that students have been too careless with their personal data.
  7. i find the use of digital media in teaching to be partly sensible and helpful, as long as it is kept within limits and does not become the main learning method.
  8. in today's era of globalization, especially in the field of communication technology, i find it essential to embrace digital media in education. one cannot avoid technological advancements; they shape our daily lives (see smartphones as communication tools, computers as encyclopedias). in almost all industries, digital media are used, and a proper and familiar handling of current information and communication technologies is nowadays one of the requirements for job applications. therefore, in my opinion, early engagement with digital media in education is very beneficial and highly recommended, as they will shape the future. (student)
  9. in our dual study program, there is hardly any other way to access the latest information; moreover, one has to acquire many technical terms on their own alongside it, so smartphones, tablets, and laptops are constant companions. the smartphone is the most readily available of all, and its handling is quicker due to its use in everyday life.
  10. i think it's good when we are allowed to use our phones or access computers in class. it makes the lessons feel a bit freer. however, it sometimes happens that many students drift off topic and spend time on facebook, whatsapp, etc. at home, when studying for tests or preparing presentations, digital media have become almost indispensable; it's just quick. nevertheless, one shouldn't cling to digital media all the time, as it can happen that while researching, you don't actually learn anything because you're too distracted by ads or similar things.
  11. -
  12. i think it's great when powerpoint presentations are given. this makes presentations much more visual and exciting!
  13. i find the use of digital media in teaching very good. it allows, for example, children who write very slowly to record the classroom discussion without falling significantly behind. additionally, they lighten the backpack. the use of smartboards, etc., is also more paper-saving and much more interesting to look at.
  14. teacher's opinion: i think digital media and learning platforms are a complement to traditional methods; however, they cannot replace face-to-face contacts and learning together through direct communication. this is especially important for differentiated measures, for example, to help weak or particularly high-achieving students and to support them additionally. an advantage is also when one is reliant on it in the short term, e.g., to compensate for class cancellations in case of illness.
  15. as a student, i find it helpful when learning programs can further support learning. :)
  16. digital media can certainly enrich teaching. however, in my opinion, the most important aspect is the teaching concept and the design by the teacher. digital media can support teaching just as conventional teaching methods do, but i think there is a significant risk of using digital media merely for their own sake and then patting oneself on the back for being innovative, even though no real benefit for the students arises and other methods might convey the material better. conclusion: digital media - sure, gladly, if they are good and truly represent an advancement over traditional methods. (student, so more like a pupil)
  17. as a student, i consider digital media to be a good way to enrich the lessons. however, they should not become an end in themselves.
  18. teacher at an elementary school "digital media hinder the skill development of students" i clicked "yes" because i believe that especially among older students, the ability to obtain information without google or generally without the internet is being lost. nevertheless, i fundamentally consider the supportive and accompanying use of digital media in learning to be a good thing. i hope i could help :) good luck with your work!
  19. i am a student, and i find it extremely helpful to have the internet available for research, allowing me to look up information on wikipedia or other portals. i also find it helpful to be able to create a powerpoint presentation instead of a poster, as it is less time-consuming. however, it is very difficult to focus solely on studying once the computer is turned on—checking emails, updating my status on facebook, messaging friends about how far they are with their presentation, and so on. in my opinion, books or encyclopedias are more suited for studying.
  20. student (female)
  21. student in presentations, the support of powerpoint is more interesting than slides for the overhead projector, both for student reports and "presentations" by teachers. short films: pros: if they can illustrate the subject matter more clearly, for example, when it comes to architecture or the structure of dna. cons: in subjects like history and german, they are poor: too much information, too many reenacted scenes, often boring.
  22. learning videos, for example on youtube, have often helped me understand topics in school better. additionally, there are many programs for learning in school, such as math programs that teachers do with us. teachers also often show films or videos on specific topics, and i find the use of media in the classroom very helpful.
  23. in my opinion as a student, it is suitable for supportive learning, but not to structure the entire teaching around it.
  24. at my school, there are 2 days per semester dedicated to a so-called competency training, which mainly focuses on the msa (berlin secondary school certificate) and the associated presentations, but is also helpful in other ways, as it teaches you how to search "correctly" on the internet, how to use powerpoint/open office, etc. - as long as you need it. for us students, this was a great help, as in our year, the presentations in the 10th grade (and those the year before for preparation) received no lower grade than a 3, with one exception.
  25. i will complete my master's degree in teaching at the primary and secondary level this year. in my opinion, with the right amount of digital media, teaching can be meaningfully supported and often even used as a motivational tool. however, i often feel that there is a lack of a sufficient foundation for the responsible use of digital media.
  26. digital media are both a curse and a blessing. of course, they serve to illustrate various topics and allow for very quick access to information, but in my opinion, they also contribute to some negative aspects. i believe that this constant use of smartphones (and the necessity of being constantly reachable) indirectly leads to concentration disorders. no one can sit still anymore; people are constantly looking at their phones. books should never be excluded from the classroom. research and working without digital media is also an important part of learning and teaching. i think we should not forget this alongside all the advantages, because this whole convenience ultimately makes us lazy, stupid, and lethargic ;-)! good luck!
  27. i think digital media is a good way to convey teaching material in a varied and interactive manner. however, i don't believe this should be done in the form of apps or other programs. rather, it should be through learning platforms for the respective classes/courses, where teaching materials and additional resources are made available (similar to most universities).
  28. i am a student and i think it's okay if smaller film clips or internet research are incorporated into the lessons. however, at my old school, we had active boards and i didn't like them very much. in my opinion, they slowed down the lessons, so i prefer the simple green chalkboard.
  29. it is very good to use digital media in teaching. it has already been implemented at our high school. there is a laptop, a projector, and a whiteboard in every room. this way, something can always be shown for illustration, or terms can be googled. it helps us students and teachers a lot, making the lessons more efficient and successful.
  30. the use of digital media is contemporary; in my opinion, forgoing it would be an unrealistic waste of opportunities. this technology will take on an increasingly important role in our lives, and it would be foolish not to prepare for it. i consider it essential to teach students media literacy - those who know how to use a library should also know how to use a digital/virtual library. i am repeatedly shocked by how many of my classmates are overwhelmed by a simple google search and have no idea how to find scientific sources online, for example.
  31. i am a student and i think it is important to engage with the media in the classroom as well. in my opinion, it is important to use targeted content. because the media influences us humans so enormously. above all, it is important to speak about it correctly.
  32. student
  33. students must learn to handle these media - but an app should never replace the teacher.
  34. i find that digital media can often make lessons more interesting. occasionally using a powerpoint presentation is a nice change. however, i do not think they should be a fixed part of the lessons, as at my school, for example, this has led to a clear division between "rich and poor." the use of expensive media (even if it's just a laptop) has made it very clear who has the latest software, who has bought the most apps, and who receives relatively a lot of money from their parents for such things. often, something needed to be reviewed at home, and the students known to be wealthy came to the next class well-prepared because they had the necessary resources, while the less affluent had to find a way to manage everything differently. in conclusion: media can certainly be used in lessons, but they should not be a requirement.
  35. i think it's okay to have to do some research at home, but not all the time. if students are supposed to work on something at home, the teacher should also provide materials... which also means excessive paper usage. i'm really torn about this. i am a student (12th grade at a gymnasium).
  36. i am a trainee teacher and i like to use an online learning space, however, i don't think that students need to be further encouraged to use digital media; they manage that quite well on their own. regarding the topic of competence development: i think it is a big problem that students no longer talk to each other but communicate through facebook even at school. goodbye social skills.
  37. i am a student teacher and believe that media usage is indispensable nowadays. however, smartphones, in particular, should be banned from the classroom, as students are usually just distracted.